Nature; a work of God

         Opening Prayer

         First: please start your lesson by telling the following story to the children. Click here to read the story. This story talks about a girl called Marcia who doesn’t appreciate nature’s beauty.

         Second: talk to the children about the story, questioning them:
         • How does the story end?
         • Does the story’s character, Marcia, rethink the role of nature in her life?
         • Please ask the children if they know different ways of looking after the nature.

         Observation: the spiritist teacher can write in the board or panel the answers given by the children; or establish a dialog with them.

         Here are some examples mentioned by the children: the importance of air in order to make life possible; water the plants; do not pollute the rivers; do not cut the trees; do not pull the flowers; do not hunt/kill the animals; look after your pet (feed and clean them); the importance of recycling to preserve nature and our health.

         Third: please show the children pictures of the nature’s beautiful creations, which can be taken form magazines. This should allow us to show and point out the beauty of the nature created by God. Let’s remember nature is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to look after the environment.

         Here you have a text suggested for the children to glue at their notebooks:

The nature

         God created the plants, trees, flowers, oceans, rivers, animals; ultimately, all nature’s beauty.
         Plants can be used as medicine and aliment. They renew the air we breathe and make the world look even more beautiful.
         Animals are important for the world’ equilibrium: some can be domesticated and become good friends of ours.
         The human beings should collaborate for the conversation of the nature. We should preserve the forests and plants, look after the animals, recycle and stop polluting the rivers and oceans.
         Animals and plants are God’s creations we should respect; we need to leave in peace and harmony with nature.

         Activity: please distribute colourful A4 paper for the children to draw the nature’s beauty creations.

          Click here to see some drawings made by the children.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old), but it can be adapted to other cycles (depending on the depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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