Nature as a work of God – The planet begs for help

         Opening Prayer

         First: please tell the children the story Is this the end of the world?

         Second: please comment about this story.

          Is it important to look after nature? Why is that?

          What were the suggestions presented by the animals in order to save the forest?

          What can we do to preserve the planet?

          The spiritist teacher can complement their responses by reminding them:

         - Turn off lights and appliances when you leave a room. Make sure you use natural light as much as possible (open your windows and curtains as much as you can). You will not only save on your electricity bill, but also improve your mood and help nature (the more electricity spent, the more need for new energy resources, such as hydroelectric power plants).

         - Use as little as possible the clothes dryer. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when full. You could save 1,000 gallons a month.

         - Sweep your sidewalk/driveway instead of hosing it down. You could use the water left from the washing machine instead. Turn off automatic sprinklers - especially during rainy season.

         - An easy way to save on fruits and vegetables is to buy what's in season. These are comparatively cheaper and healthier than out of season produce. It required less transport to make them available for consumption, which reduces carbon emission.

         - Please do not throw cooking oil in the sink. It will only contaminate the environment and clog the pipes leaving your family with an expensive repair bill. Some places have recycling centres where you can dump your used oil (e.g. Barcelona, Spain.) or you could make soap out of used oil. One litre of oil can contaminate 1 million litres of water. Please bear this in mind and store your cooking oil to dispose it correctly.

         - We produce and use 20 times more plastic today than we did 50 years ago! Please use your own cup whenever possible. The production and use of plastics has a range of environmental impacts. Plastic takes more than 100 years to break down, a brutal blow to our planet's health. By using less disposable plastic cups, we would benefit the Earth's environment by cutting down on the amount of garbage in the world.

         - Plant a tree. It can absorb up to one ton of carbonic gas during its life. Plus, it is a great shelter for birds.
         Check out the websites:

         - Use the stairs. It’s a great exercise; plus it saves energy that a lift would use.

         - Use left over water in drinking water to water plants (Don't waste drinking water by pouring it in the sink) or clean the house.

         - Spread the word! Spread the news! Talk to you relatives, neighbours and friends about helping the planet. Encourage them to use public transportation or walk as well.

         Third - please comment:

          It’s not just garbage and air pollution that damage our planet. Our negative thoughts, words and actions also fill the environment with damaging energies that can harm every living creature.

          Please highlight it is our responsibility to conserve the planet; caring and loving the animals, plants and environment. These are God’s creation; they are gifts from God. There will be no life in our planet without nature.

          We will reap in the near future or in other existences what we cultivate today; that is, we will inhabit the planet we help to construct.

         Fourth - Here are some suggested activities to be done with the children:

         Activity 1 – distribute the sticks so the children can illustrate them in accordance with the message.

         Activity 2 – colour the ecological stamps created by Marcos R. B. Vargas, volunteer worker from the spiritist group Seara do Mestre. You could also offer it to the children as sticks for them to play with it.

         Activity 3 – decorating a can to hold pencils.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for:1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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