The Moon and The Stars III

         First Opening prayer - The Spiritist Volunteer will bring the book LEARNING HOW TO PRAY - A BOOK OF PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN by Elsa Rossi. The following story will be told:

         Prayer to My Guardian Angel

         My dear Guardian Angel, I am very happy because I know that you protect me day and night. When I feel sad, I think of you and feel happier.

         When I am home alone, I feel your presence and have no fear.

         I know you were sent by God to take care of me and to protect me.

         Thank you so much, my Guardian Angel!

         The Spiritist worker will introduce a box of prayer after the story and will ask for one child to volunteer himself/herself to read the prayer for the class. Please ask the child to say his/her words as well, as to complement the opening prayer.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Play hot potato game with the children. When the music stops the child who is holding the hot potato will need to say something they are grateful for. Example: ‘My name is John and I am grateful for my life’.

         Third: Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         I am a child of God

         I am a child of God (2x)
         I am a Spirit living on Earth.
         I am a child of God (2x)
         I reincarnated to learn to do good.
         Reincarnation, the path of progress,
         Reincarnation, the way to become good.

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Fourth: Get the children to sit down into a circle. Tell them the story called "Earth, Sun, and Moon" a story by Karen L. Erickson.

         "Earth, Sun, and Moon" a story by Karen L. Erickson

         Sun, Earth and Moon were always playing together, doing things best friends do. They ran foot races across the galaxy, played catch with comets, and joined in hide-and-seek among the stars. They could play for hours and laugh for days. When Earth was tired, she would sleep behind the clouds, Moon would disappear from view, and Sun would sit patiently and wait for their return. Many times the friends just enjoyed sitting together trying to capture shooting stars with their bare hands.

         They were each very different. Earth rotated blue and green. Sun sizzled hot and golden. Moon was so . . . so . . .well, so . . .dusty. But the friends hadn’t noticed at all.

         One day as they were snatching stars and hiding them in black holes, Sun boasted to his friends. “I think I am very special and unique. I shine and make the waters of Earth sparkle. I throw fireballs. I seem to make everyone happy when I am out. It feels great to be so special.”

         Earth thought a minute, while making a one handed catch of very tiny star. As she stuffed it into the black hole, Earth said, “I think I, too, am special. My blue skies and green grasses please everyone. Flowers and trees like to live on me and grow. People and animals scamper about as they work and build things. I am home to the water you make sparkle, Sun. Yes, I do agree, it is great to be special.” Sun looked at Earth and nodded in agreement.

         Then they both looked at Moon. Moon hadn’t said anything. Sun asked, “What about you, Moon? What is special about you?”

         Moon shook his head, “I’m not special at all. I’m grey and covered with dust. I’m full of holes, and I don’t shine.”

         Sun and Earth felt bad for their friend and worse for the bragging that hurt Moon’s feelings. Earth said, “Everyone is special, Moon, even you.” Moon shook his head and sighed, “I’m different but I don’t feel special.” Suddenly Sun exclaimed, “I have an exceptional idea! My light is very strong. I’ll bounce my light to you, Moon, and you’ll glow like a silver ball in the night sky.” So, Sun shone on Moon and Moon glowed. Moon said, “This is wonderful! Now I, too, feel special.”

         The three friends were soon dancing together in the heavens. Revolving and spinning. Shining and shading. And every now and then, letting Earth hide in the clouds to get a little sleep.

         ©2002, Karen L. Erickson

         Fifth: Decorate a Star and a Moon - You can either have the children decorate a pre-cut star or they can decorate paper and cut out the star shape. Have your child decorate the star using:

         Glitter, Crayons, Pens, Coloured Pencils, Markers, Paint, Lace, String, Yarn, Ribbon, Tissue Paper, Torn Paper, star Shaped Paper, The Holes from a hole punch, Stickers, Sand, Twine, Old Puzzle Pieces, Buttons, Coloured Glue, Coloured Tape, Chalk, Wet Chalk, Wrapping Paper, Stamps, Aluminium Foil, Heart Shaped Confetti, Glue on Candy Confections, star Shaped Sponge Painting, Pasta or rice coloured with food colouring.

         Sixth: Watch the video called ‘The Tale of the Sun and the Moon’:

         Note: "The Tale of the Sun and the Moon" is a lullaby about why the sun is up during the day and the moon is out at night.

         * Who created the moon and the stars? God, our loving Father, created them.

         * Have you ever observed the sky by night? Can anyone count all the stars in the sky? When you look at the night sky you can see many beautiful stars. If you are out in the country or camping in the mountains or the desert away from the city lights, you may see thousands of them. In a town or city, you can't see nearly as many stars because the city lights create a glow in the sky masking many of them.

         * In the sky at night we see lots of tiny dots of light. These are stars.

         Seventh: Activity time - The volunteer will show the poster of the sun and the moon. The kids have to answer when which one appears during the day.

         The volunteer will bring a big clock and the children will be asked to answer the position of the sun and the moon at each time.

         Where’s the sun at this time of the day? Where’s the moon at this time of the day?
         Is it shine or dark when the sun comes up in the sky? Is it shine or dark when the moon
         comes up in the sky? What do you normally do at this time of the day?

         Where’s the sun at this time of the day? Where’s the moon at this time of the day?
         Is it shine or dark when the sun comes up in the sky? Is it shine or dark when the moon
         comes up in the sky? What do you normally do at this time of the day?

         Where’s the sun at this time of the day? Where’s the moon at this time of the day?
         Is it shine or dark when the sun comes up in the sky? Is it shine or dark when the moon
         comes up in the sky? What do you normally do at this time of the day?

         Eighth: Show the following video called ‘What are stars?’ to the children, which can be found on YouTube, from HooplaKidz TV:

         Sing twinkle, twinkle little star with the children. Please find the lyrics here below:

         Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
         How I wonder what you are.
         Up above the world so high,
         Like a diamond in the sky

         Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
         How I wonder what you are.

         Ninth: Star Hide and Seek activity - Have all the children hide their eyes while you "hide" a star in the room. (It should be placed in plain view). Tell the children to find the star, but not touch it. Once they spot it they should sit back down in their spot. The first one to sit down again will get to hide the star.

         Tenth: Star Fishing Game: Tie 3 feet of string to a wooden spoon. Attach a magnet to the end of the string. Cut and laminate many different coloured, and sized stars from construction paper (not too big though). Attach a paper clip to each star. Spread the star shapes on the floor and let your child try to catch the stars. Have them try to catch the red star, or the biggest star. For a twist, label the stars with letters or numbers. Ask the children to catch a specific star, or ask them which star they caught.

         Eleventh: Prepare the class for the story:

         Jesus was a very kind man who lived in Earth 2000 years ago. He lived in a place called Lake of Gennesaret, or Sea of Galilee. He was a very good hearted person who helped and healed a lot of people. He taught a lot as well, and much of his teachings were done via stories.

         Have you ever heard about his work? Do you know of any stories about him? Much of the ministry of Jesus occurred on the shores of Lake Galilee. He used to pray every day. Did you know he used to go to the lake in order to watch the moon and the stars? He used to do that because the moon and the stars are works of God and that brought him closer to our loving Father. He would go there every day; at the end of the day to rest and pray. He was also known for going to the lake in the morning to pray to God and thank Him for a new day.

         Do you pray at home? When do you normally pray? Do you ever notice the moon and the stars?

         Twelfth: Give each child pictures of the moon, the stars and the sun for colouring.

         Thirteenth: Puppets’ healing therapy theatre: The puppet Marisa will bring her friend John to join the Kindergarten. He’s a little boy who used to love eating candies but had to be taken to the doctor to be treated. John’s mom also decided to bring him to the Spiritist centre for healing, which also helped him to recover. Marisa will ask the kids some questions about the healing; like the benefits of taking it, as well as examples of how we should behave during this moment.

         fourteenth: Get the children to help cleaning the room; one of the children will do a closing prayer; encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate.

         Please see here below suggested activity to be handed over to the children as homework.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist teacher: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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