The Moon and The Stars

         Opening prayer

         First: Tell the children the story called Esther and the Moon, using the drawings suggested. Please note these drawings should be pasted into the board while the story is being told (using the phases of the moon and stars). The drawings were created by Carmen Samuel, volunteer worker from the Spiritist Group Seara do Mestre.

         Full Moon

         New Moon

         First quarter Moon

         Last quarter Moon

         Second: Talk to the children.

          Who created the moon and the stars?

          Have you ever observed the sky by night? Can anyone count all the stars in the sky?

          What is the purpose of the stars, according to the story? What about the moon?

          Did you know that the majority of the stars are not visible to us because they are far, far away from our planet Earth?

          Remind them we can see a much larger number of stars with a lunette or a telescope (a device that increases the size of things and helps to study the moon, the planets and the stars). The moon doesn’t have its own light; but reflects the sunlight.

          Did you know that man has already been on the moon? They went on a rocket and took several days to get there. They placed a flag on the moon, took pictures and brought samples (small pieces) of stone and moon dust back to Earth.

         Third: Get the children to colour Estella and the Moon. Drawings can be glued on Popsicle sticks.

         Obs.: We drew small shoes for the children to glue at Estella’s necklace.



         Closing prayer

         Class being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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