Law of Labour

3rd part, Chapter VI from The Spirits’ Book

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         First: tell the story Every useful occupation is labour.

         Second: comment the story, emphasizing the interpretation of question 675 from The Spirits’ Book.

         Ought we to understand by “labour” only occupations of a material nature?

         "No; the spirit labours like the body. Every sort of useful occupation is a labour."

         Third: asking the children to cite cases involving the lesson. The spiritist teacher should complement the ideas with situations that were not mentioned, for example:

         * Nature works constantly. For example, bees produce honey, silkworms produce silk, flowers beautify the environment and feed other animals (like butterflies). Even pets have important tasks in our homes bringing joy, companionship and friendship to their owners.

         * A farmer reaps what he sows; this is an example of work.

         * Read a book or watch a constructive movie (instructive, enlightening, and educational) is work.

         * Cooking with love is work.

         * Do exercises is taking care of the physical body and a useful occupation = work.

         * Studying is a way of working.

         * The spiritist teacher is working when he/she prepares his/her lessons.

         * Attending spiritist education classes; collaborating with good attitudes is also work.

         Fourth: ask if we work when we sleep. Clarify that the Spirit can work and study in the Spiritual World, while the physical body rests. The sleep of the physical body is also important for repairing the physical strength.

         Fifth: conclude that to anyone, idleness (unemployment, laziness) is a punishment, torture, bringing negative effects to the body and to the spirit.

         Sixth - activities:

         1 - Based on the conclusion that all useful occupations is WORK: describe (or draw) the work you love, explaining the reason why.

         2 - Mime professions for the group to guess the occupation, mentioning the tools used in that task.

         Examples: hairdresser, dentist, doctor, student, teacher, cleaner, cook, computer operator, architect, carpenter, banker, etc...

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old) and Youth I (13 to 14 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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