Learning to be Tolerant for Kindergarten

         First: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them and how important they are for the class. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the opening prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.

         Second: Prayer Activity – Get the children to create their own prayers. They will be able to decorate them as they wish. Ask each child to read the prayer to the rest of the group. Everyone will need to stop and listen to each one’s prayer.

         When the activity with the “Raffle box of Prayers” finishes the volunteer will collect the booklet “The Lord’s Prayer” with the child who was responsible for it during the previous week.

         The Lord’s Prayer booklet

         The volunteer can ask questions, such as the below:
         * What did you most like in this prayer;
         * What could you learn during the week with the prayer and others
         * Ask him/her to read the prayer to the rest of the group.

         Another child will be able to choose himself/herself to take the booklet home and bring it back on the following week.

         P.S. Parents will be informed and also asked about their availability to bring the booklet next week, at the end of the class.

         Third: Sing songs together, which could be as follows

         My God is so Big https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyOdDrVnORc

         Jesus love is very wonderful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMVjO_GruA

         Fourth: Story Time - The volunteer will tell them the Story called: My big shouting day by Rebecca Patterson

         Please find a summary of this story: Bella is having one of those days - her biscuit is broken, she has a hurting foot and ballet is TOOOO itchy for words. All she can do is shout! But by the end of the day, when she's all tired out from being shouty, Bella knows there's one magic word and one magic mummy to make things better again... Bella even learns that special word… SORRY!

         Fifth: Get the children to rehearse the story ‘My big shouting day’ by Rebecca Patterson to check their understanding.

         Sixth: Activity – Wait your turn. The Spiritist volunteer will bring a box with the following objects and get each child to have a turn. They will pick an item from the box and show the rest of the children how to use it. The child who picks an item from the box will need to mimic the activity using the object and the other children will need to say what he/she is doing. These will be real objects and the aim of this activity is for them to be tolerant and wait for their turn, individually.

         Wooden spoon
         Dustpan and Brush
         Cleaning wipes
         Child’s broom
         Pestle and mortar
         Clothes mini pegs
         Spice jar
         Shoe laces
         Plastic cup
         Pair of socks
         Musical instrument

         Seventh: Activity to encourage the children to be tolerant – The volunteer will bring a bag full of small animals, as well as cards with pictures of the same animals printed on them. The volunteer will place all cards on the table and ask each child to grab an animal from the ‘mystery bag’, tell us the name of the animal and place it on top of the right picture. This will encourage them to wait for their turn as the children will get super excited with the bag full of different animal types. The volunteer will bring, in some cases, two small animals of the same type to make the activity more challenging.

         Eighth: Origami – get them to decorate the dogs as they wish.

         Ninth: Game – balancing a ball on a spoon.

         The volunteer will organise the children in a line and each one will have his/her turn to balance a ball made of paper on a big spoon through a given way. This will encourage them to wait for their turn to play and also to work together as a team, as they will have to pass the spoon to each other without letting it fall on the floor.

         Extra Activity 1: Game – helping to organise our home

         The volunteer will bring a big picture of a living room with lots of objects that are out of place and ask the children what is wrong with the picture. At this point, the volunteer can help them realise that is not good to live in a messy and dirty place and that we all have to help each other at home, so everything is in order and in harmony.

         Each object will be an individual picture that is not attached to the picture of the living room, so they can be moved around and put in the correct place. Each child will have his/her turn to put one object in the correct place in the living room, and the game goes on until they all helped to organise everything.

         Extra activity 2 - 5 breathing technique, which was found on the internet:

         Tenth: Reading Time - Spiritist Books for children will be placed on the table. The children would be invited to share, to read and say what they see when they are reading.

         Eleventh: Healing Theatre - Prepare the kids for the healing time. The volunteer will bring many pieces of paper with some good and bad instructions. 2 children will participate on activity at a time. 1 child would seat down on the chair meanwhile the other will read the instructions. The child who is sitting down on the chair should follow the instructions told by the other colleague. If these are good instructions the child should stick it on a board created by the volunteer. However, if these are bad instructions the child should through it in a bin. Each pair at a time will have the chance to participate.

         twelfth: Closing prayer - One of the children will do a closing prayer. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the closing prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.

         Suggested activity to be given as Homework:

         Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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