Jesus’ Cures

         Opening Prayer

please bring a comb and small pieces of paper to this class. Make sure the children sit forming a circle; ask one of them to help you with this activity. Have a student run the comb through his/her hair a few times to give the comb an electric charge. Have one of the students bring the comb near the small pieces of paper, and ask the class to record the reactions. The energy that is now located at the comb will make the paper stick together into it. The experience should now be repeated with another volunteer in order to reinforce the idea that we all emanate energies.

         Second: please explain to them we are all incarnate and disincarnate spirits who possess energies that are originated from our thoughts, feelings and attitudes; these could be positive and negative. Please ask the children to mention examples of thoughts and attitudes; plus its consequences.


         Third: please tell them one of Jesus’ cures.

         Fourth: please explain that Jesus knows the energy that comes from people; He only emits good fluids and helps a lot of people: when incarnate, he cured sick people. Individuals thought he would perform miracles. Miracles or supernatural things would go against the laws of God, according to the people at that time. Jesus did not perform miracles. He made all these happen by manipulating energy. He did that through his thoughts and will, since He is a Superior spirit and has much more knowledge than all of us.

         Fifth: please distribute a text for them to glue it into their notebook. We suggest to give them as homework the following task: cut from newspapers and magazine three words that mean the energies the children emit during the week.

         Closing Prayer

         Text Suggested:

Jesus’ Cures

         The world we live nowadays is made of energy.
         The fluids are a form of energy. They originate from the thoughts and feelings of incarnate and disincarnate spirits.
         These fluids can be positive, such as thoughts of love, optimism, kindness, charity, forgiveness, faith; or negatives such as hate, pride or selfishness.
         Jesus is a very evolved spirit.
         He used good fluids to heal a lot of people, re-establishing the balance of fluids. The people he helped had faith and merit; they were open to receive help. They wanted to get better and work on their attitudes, feelings and thoughts of love.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

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