Jesus and the Consoler

         Opening Prayer

         First: please distribute copies of The Spirits' Book amongst the children. Please ask them to find question and answer number 625 in pairs and write it down on their notebook. The spiritist teacher can help if necessary. After they finish this task, please ask if they agree with the answer and the reasons why.

         Second: ask the children if they know the name of the State governor and how governors were elected. You should now ask if they know that planet Earth has also a governor.

         Please explain to them Jesus is the governor of the planet. He has been following Earth since its formation. He only incarnated once in Earth with a mission. He came here to bring to humanity the divine message of love; lead through his example. Jesus is the most perfect type that God has offered to man as his guide and model. He was created just like any of us and progressed in other/s planet/s. We don’t know how this process happened. He was the purest being who has ever appeared upon the earth.

         Third: Jesus said the following when he was saying good-bye to the apostles, since he knew he would be killed soon:

         “I won’t leave you. I will always be with you. If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Consoler that may stay with you for ever.”

         What is the Consoler promised by Jesus? Spiritism.

         What do you know about Spiritism? It was dictated by several spirits and codified (organized) by Allan Kardec, who asked questions and organized the answers amongst five books. How are these books called?

         What is the purpose of the Spiritist Doctrine? The essential purpose of the Spiritist Doctrine is to promote the understanding and ethical progress of mankind. Jesus is the guide and model for all humanity and the doctrine he taught and exemplified, is the purest expression of God’s Law.

         Inner reformation also includes one's participation in the improvement of society. As we reform ourselves, we reform society, and through our attitudes and example we influence our incarnate and disincarnate brothers and sisters. Jesus demonstrated this through his own behavior. His Word raises the awareness of the incarnate and disincarnate and assists them on their path to spiritual evolution.

         Fourth: please ask the children to relax, feel comfortable on their chairs and let their imagination flow. Let’s say someone sent a very important message addressed to each of them. Please play it for them now.

         We took a message to this class which was pre-recorded by one of our workers. We wanted the children to perceive the message from Jesus Himself inviting them (we even mentioned some of the children’s names on the recording) to build up a better world. The spiritist teacher could play background music and read the message or pre-record it if possible.

         If the spiritist teacher decides to mention the children’s name, please do not forget any of them. If there is a visitor/a child who is coming for the first time, please highlight that Jesus counts on all children, as said in the message.

         It was really moving. We heard lots of sighs as the names were being said. It caused a very positive impact on the children.

         After the message was read, please comment on it and highlight the great opportunity they are having in this reincarnation.

         Click here to find the message.

         Fifth - activity:

         Suggestion 1: draw how they imagine Jesus.

         Suggestion 2: write down an answer addressed to Jesus from the message received.

         Suggestion 3: prepare a small confraternization, thanking God for life (Chocolate cake is always very popular).

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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