Jesus, Our Master

         First: Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist volunteer. As weeks go by the Spiritist volunteers should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Hello my friend,
         Let’s learn and play,
         We will learn about Jesus all night long!

         Good morning
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         I am so happy today. Hooray!
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         My heart wants to say
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)

         Let's all sing and play
         For Nature is so beautiful and wise
         Teaches us to love every day

         +++ repeat this song if necessary, as every child should hear their name being sang; this will help the children to feel integrated into the group).

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Third: Get the children to sit down into a circle. Talk to them about the theme of the day: Jesus, Our Master. The Spiritist volunteer should bring the pictures used in the previous class to illustrate that Jesus is now a grown up man. Jesus knows many things. He knows much, much more than us.

         Jesus came to Earth to teach us to be good people. (The Spiritist volunteer should ask the children: what do you understand by being good?)

         To be good is to love the animals, the plants, all living beings. It is also to love our family members and to be good in our hearts. (The Spiritist volunteer should ask the children: how can we be good with the animals? What about with the plants? How about all other living beings? What about our family members?)

         That’s right! By being good we learn to be just like Jesus: by loving and caring for nature. Jesus is our Master, because a master is someone who teaches. (The Spiritist volunteer should ask the children: do you have any teachers in your life? Who else is teaching you? How about your parents?)

         Many people came to hear Jesus when he preached in the Galilee. Jesus wanted ordinary people to listen to him. He was teaching us many nice things. (The Spiritist volunteer should ask: Did you know Jesus used to preach in the open air? He didn’t need a synagogue or temple. He didn’t need a Spiritist centre either!)

         Jesus tried to teach the people through stories. He wanted everybody to be able to understand his teachings. He told stories about familiar things. (The Spiritist volunteer should ask: Do you like stories? Do you enjoy hearing stories?)

         Some of the stories that Jesus told the people were parables. A parable is a story that has a lesson or special meaning to it. (The Spiritist volunteer should tell the children one of the following parables: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Lost Son, The Good Samaritan)

         Note: Please find a Power point presentation, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         The Good Samaritan

         When someone asked Jesus what He meant by “love thy neighbour”, He started to tell him this story. A Jewish man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho.

         He was attacked by thieves on a lonely road. They beat him and stole his money and clothes. They left him to die.

         After a while a priest passed by... When he saw the injured man he crossed to the other side of the road and walked quickly away.

         Sometime later another priest came along. He also saw the injured man. He also crossed to the other side of the road and walked quickly away.

         Sometime later another priest came along. He also saw the injured man. He also crossed to the other side of the road and walked quickly away.

         Eventually a third person came along the road. This man was a stranger from another country called Samaria. The Jews had always treated the Samaritans as enemies. But when the Samaritan saw the wounded man he felt sorry for him and stopped to help.

         He put bandages on his wounds and lifted the man onto his donkey. He took him to an inn and looked after him there.

         The next day the Samaritan gave the innkeeper some money. He asked him to look after the injured man. When Jesus finished his story, he asked the person: which one of these men was the good neighbour? The man replied that the one that had helped was the good neighbour. Jesus said that all people should be friends with each other.

         Note: Please find a Power point presentation focused on ‘The Good Samaritan’ parable, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         Fourth: Ask the children questions about the story

         * What happened to the injured man?

         * Who was the Good Samaritan in the story?

         * How can you help your neighbour?

         * What can we do to be better in our day-to-day lives?

         * How can we wish good to other people?

         * How can we be kind to people, just like Jesus?

         Fifth: Colouring activity related to The Good Samaritan

         Note: Please find a suggested colouring activity, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         Sixth: Talk to the children.

         * Jesus taught we should love all people.

         * By caring for the animals, plants and respecting people we will have learned Jesus’ lessons.

         * Jesus taught we should also love older people and our colleagues at school.

         * Jesus is our Master: he came to teach us to be good and love everybody.

         Seventh: Good/bad behaviour activity - draw two faces on a cardboard piece of paper: a sad and a happy face. Get the children to point out to the corresponding attitude; to whether it’s a good or a bad attitude. Ask them to point to the sad face if it’s a bad attitude or happy face if it’s a good attitude.

         Ask a child at a time to represent the situation so the other children can judge whether it’s a good or bad attitude:

         * Boy helping another girl to carry bags

         * Child shaking hands with another one

         * Two children fighting

         * A child watering the plants

         * Two children hugging each other

         * Children throwing paper on the floor

         * Child cleaning the floor

         * Child throwing a tantrum

         * Child smiling at another child

         * Child pulling a bad face at another child.

         Eighth: Make a Paper Chain to Illustrate the Love Jesus Has for ALL Children - It is a LOT of fun to make these children chains and it can illustrate a story of how loving, caring, and understanding Jesus is to ALL children, no matter what religion, race, or religion they are. Fold a piece of paper in half 3 times. Then draw a girl or boy shape on the paper along the hinge. To make many, many dolls, you can tape them together in a long chain.

         Note: Please find an illustrative picture of the paper chain, taken from the internet, here.

         Ninth: PMake Standing Jesus Christ Pictures - To make a standing picture of Jesus Christ for your dresser or desk, you will need the following materials : 1 strip of coloured construction paper 3" x 12", pencil, ruler, paste, scissors, and 1 picture of Jesus Now to actually make the craft, fold the strip of coloured construction paper across middle. Open. Fold each end to centre crease, to make four sections, as pictured above. Overlap two end sections and paste these together to form a triangle, as seen above. Child may paste Jesus' picture on one side of triangle. You can write something like 'Jesus Loves Me!' under his picture.

         Note: Please find an illustrative standing Jesus picture, taken from the internet, here.

         Tenth: Heart Cards Craft – Have children colour the hearts (one sheet of hearts per child). Have them choose the front, in which it will be written: Jesus loves you. Get them to colour the back and the middle of the card. Encourage them to hand it over to their friends or family members as a gift.

         Eleventh: Get the children to help cleaning the room; one of the children will do a closing prayer; encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate.

         Note: Please find an activity which can be used during this class or given to the children as homework here.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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