Jesus' Family

         First: Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist volunteer. As weeks go by the Spiritist volunteers should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Hello my friend,
         Let’s learn and play,
         We will learn about Jesus all night long!

         Good morning
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         I am so happy today. Hooray!
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         My heart wants to say
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)

         Let's all sing and play
         For Nature is so beautiful and wise
         Teaches us to love every day

         +++ repeat this song if necessary, as every child should hear their name being sang; this will help the children to feel integrated into the group).

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Third: Get the children to sit down into a circle. Tell them about Jesus. Please bring a baby doll to this class and use it to represent Jesus. Please make sure the baby doll is dressed properly and held as a real baby in the arms of the Spiritist volunteer as the story is being told.

         Ask the children: Today we will talk about someone very important in our lives. A friend who came a long, long time ago and taught us many nice things which we can learn from even to this day. Do you know who I am talking about?

         Do you know who this baby is? I will pass you the baby around but please be careful when you are holding the baby.

         Jesus was born in a city called Bethlehem. This city is located in a country called Israel. He was born more than 2.000 years ago. Did you know that back in those days there was no TV, radio, electricity or phones around? He came to Earth a long time ago.

         He was born in a very cosy and small place. This place is called a stable. Do you know what a stable is? He was born very close to animals and right next to his daddy Joseph. His mom was called Mary and she was a very kind woman.

         Do you see this baby? Be careful with him. He was born and now needs rest. He also needs some milk. I will give you some milk for you to feed him. (The Spiritist volunteer should hand over an empty plastic bottle for the children to offer ‘milk’ to baby Jesus)

         Do you know when we celebrate his birthday? Yes, we celebrate his birth in December, when it’s Christmas. This is an occasion for us to celebrate his arrival on Earth with our parents. We don’t know for sure the date when he was born, but we celebrate at this date to honour his life.

         We need to look after the baby! Let’s burp him. Do you know how to burp the baby? Can you please him? Now you need to put the baby back to sleep. Can you please rock the baby?

         His daddy Joseph was a carpenter. Do you know what a carpenter is? It’s a person who builds or repairs wooden structures, such as houses, scaffolds, or shelving. Mary was looking after their home; she was a house wife.

         We need to look after the baby! Let’s check his nappy. Do you think he needs to change nappies? Can you please help getting his nappy changed?

         As Jesus grew up, he learned his dad’s profession. Back in those days parents taught their profession to their children; this was the tradition. Jesus also helped his parents with the house duties. Do you help your parents at home? He was also a well-educated and behaved child. He loved his parents very much and was always willing to help at home.

         Why did Jesus come to Earth? He came to teach us love and charity.

         We need to look after the baby! Let’s check his clothes. We need to add an extra layer on the baby. It’s getting cold in this room! Can you please help?

         Fourth: Ask the children questions about the story

         * Do you belong to a family?

         * How many people is part of your family?

         * Did you know you belong to a family? There are other adults who love and care for them. Who are they? Do you know?

         * Explain Jesus loves them so much he put others into their lives to love them and help them grow up healthy and strong.

         * Let’s remember to look after our baby Jesus! Who is holding him? Can anyone check his nappy? Does it need to be changed? Shall we offer him more milk? Ok, now we need to burp him and put him to sleep again. Remember, he’s only a small baby!

         Fifth: Get the children to create individual collages about their families and relate to Jesus’ family

         * Print out basic illustrations of parents and siblings.

         * Help each child cut out the illustrations that best fit his/her family such as a mother and father, two sisters and a brother. Include a picture or illustration to represent the child.

         * Glue to a sheet of construction paper and add family names. Let the child colour the pictures individually.

         Sixth: Get the children to create individual paper plates.

         * Write in the centre of the paper plates the following: “Jesus loves me enough to give me family." Use stickers of family members such as mother, father, brother and sister stickers to add to the paper plate.

         * Give each child a picture of Jesus so they can add to their work.

         * With a marker, write names of family members radiating from the middle.

         * Tell the children Jesus loves them and wants them to love him back. He’s a more experienced brother who came to Earth to teach us so many good things.

         * Tell them they can talk to Jesus anytime through a prayer. They can also show Jesus' love to others by being kind.

         * Ask them: what else can you do to show Jesus’ love to others? Remember, our baby Jesus grew and became a very loving and kind man; so will you!

         Seventh: Next, I’d like to share the story of Jesus in the temple, as boy.

         Did you know Jesus was raised as a normal Jewish boy of his time? He was known as Joseph’s son and learned his “father’s” trade of carpentry. (The Spiritist volunteer should show a picture of young Jesus to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         Jesus lived in Nazareth and grew-up there with Joseph and Mary until he began his preaching and teaching. He lived in Nazareth with his parents and worked in the carpenter shop with his dad, Joseph. Joseph taught Jesus the carpenter's skills and Jesus spent many, many happy hours in Joseph's shop. (The Spiritist volunteer should show a picture of young Jesus to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         When Jesus was twelve years old, it was time for him to take his place as an adult male in the religious community. He was then old enough to take part in the observances of the Jewish faith. (The Spiritist volunteer should show a picture of young Jesus to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         Young boy Jesus and his parents travelled to Jerusalem with a caravan to observe the Passover. When it was time to leave Jerusalem, Joseph and Mary discovered that the young boy Jesus was nowhere to be found and had to go back into the city to look for Jesus! (The Spiritist volunteer should show a picture of Jesus’ parents to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         Joseph and Mary then returned to Jerusalem to find the young boy Jesus in the Temple, discussing scriptures with the elders and wise men. Jesus was just 12 years old at that time! Did you know this story? (The Spiritist volunteer should show a picture of young Jesus in the Temple, to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used here.

         The young boy Jesus went into the Temple to talk about the importance of God in our lives, as well as to be kind and loving to one another. Can you believe he was just 12 years old at that time? This shows he’s a very enlightened Spirit! Did you know this story? (The Spiritist volunteer should show picture below of young Jesus in the Temple, to illustrate the story)
         Note: Please find pictures, taken from the internet, which can be used here, and here.

         Note: The spiritist volunteer could them the pictures or even retell them using flannel board pictures. The children enjoy helping to put the objects on the board. Other times, I tell a story using stick puppets and let the children each hold one of the puppets. By telling the story several ways, they are more likely to remember it.

         Let them colour the pictures included with the lesson and talk to them about it as they coloured. This will give them an attention break, as they will have something interesting to do while they listen. Often they listen better when their hands are busy. We’d finish up with songs.

         This time could also be used to talk about how important it is to tell parents where the children will be going to. Parents need to know where we are at all times. Can you imagine how Joseph and Mary must have felt at that time?

         Eighth: (7:15pm – 7:30pm) Games & Sing along songs:

         1. Hide a picture of young Jesus in the room, play “hide and seek” and search for Jesus.

         Note: Please find a picture, taken from the internet, which can be used for this activity here.

         2. List all of the different types of chores Jesus might have done as a child. Compare that with the chores the children do. Get the children to mimic them.

         Did you know this song? Shall we sing it together? This song is all about how much Jesus loves us and wants to be a close friend of ours. Shall we practice it together?

         Jesus Is My Friend
         And I’m a friend of Jesus.
         Jesus is my friend
         And I’m a friend of His.
         I can talk to him
         Anytime I like.
         He’s always listening,
         That’s how I know that
         Jesus is my friend
         And I’m a friend of His.
         Julia Plaut

         Jesus is Passing by
         Jesus is passing by
         Jesus is passing by
         And when he does everything is fine
         Sadness is gone, happiness arrives
         Jesus is passing by
         Jesus is passing by
         And when he does everything shines
         Bringing joy to you, and for me too

         Ninth: Get the children to help cleaning the room; one of the children will do a closing prayer; encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate.

         Note: Please find an activity which can be used during this class or given to the children as homework here.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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