Jesus as a child for First Cycle

         First: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them and how important they are for the class. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the opening prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.

         After that, the Spiritist worker will introduce the “Raffle Box of Prayers”. In your turn, each child will open the box, choose one prayer and read it loudly for whole class. We will do it until all the kids have their chance to choose and read a prayer.

         When the activity with the “Raffle box of Prayers” finishes the volunteer would collect the booklet “The Lord’s Prayer” with the children who was responsible in the previous week.

         The volunteer can make up a few questions, such as:
         * What did you most like in this prayer;
         * What could you learn during the week with the prayer and others

         The child can also read the prayer for his/hers colleagues. Another child will be able to choose himself/herself to take the booklet home and bring next week, at the end of this activity.

         The Lord’s Prayer booklet

         P.S. At the end of the class the parents will be informed and also asked about their availability to bring the booklet next week.

         Second: Story.

         Third: Activity – It’s the Children’s turn.

         That’s the time for the children to prepare their own puppets and the scene of the story told in the previous activity.


         Fifth: Activity - My hands’ pocket book
         The children will be asked to make an outline of his/her hand four times.
         They will be asked to write, in each hand, the name of person that they will help. They can also draw how they will be helping this person out.
         The volunteer will ask the children to bring the hands’ papers in the next week in order to explore more how those experiences were.

         Extra activity: Playing cards
         The volunteer will bring some cards with some helpful tasks.
         The children should match them.

         The volunteer might ask questions, such as:
         * Do you also help your parents do this? (Say the activity the card shows)
         * Do you like help your parents?
         * Do you like when someone helps you to?

         Sixth: The Little Spirit's Book - For young adults and beginners
         The volunteer will show the children a video that discusses how big is the universe.

         The volunteer will discuss the question number 5 of the book mentioned before.
         Kardec's question: Is universal space infinite or limited?
         Spirit's answer: Infinite. If it had boundaries, what would be beyond them? I know it baffles your reason, yet reason itself tells you that it can be no other way. The same is true of the idea of the infinity of the universe – you will never be able to comprehend it from your small sphere.

         Seventh: Prayer Activity - The children will be asked to prepare a new box for the ‘Raffle box of Prayer’ activit.

         Eighth: Healing Theatre - The children should show how to behave during the healing and prayer time. The volunteer will bring a tray in order to introduce the education process after the healing: “taking the first cup of the tray”. Each child will receive a happy face sticker at the end of this activity.

         Ninth: Closing prayer - One of the children will do a closing prayer. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the closing prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.

         Suggested activity to be given as Homework

         Class suggested being suitable for: Cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.


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