
         Initial Prayer

         The objective of this lesson is to recap “Jesus’ Life”, leveraging on what the children already know about the topic in a fun way. The teacher should complement the children’s ideas by enriching the discussion with new information. For this, it is important that the teacher has a good knowledge on the subject. It is also recommended to apply this technique from children of the 3rd Cycle (11 to 12 years old) onwards, because they are likely to know more about it.

         First: Divide the board into 6 parts as described below:







         Second: Ask each child to throw the dart (see example here), and to say something related to the item that they got. The teacher should make notes on the board and make sure there is no repetition on what the children are saying.

         If a child does not know how to answer to the item from the dart, he/she has to say, instead, something they would like to say to Jesus if he/she saw him personally. Another option could be for the child to say anything he/she wants or can ask a question about Jesus’ life. If the child asks a question, the rest of the class will need to answer it. If someone knows the answer and everyone agrees it is the right one, the child gets a free turn to throw the dart.

         Third - Activity 1: After finishing the technique above, the children should make a big poster with all the answers, which can then be posted in the school or been granted to one of the child in a prize draw.

          Activity 2    Answer activity 2.

          Activity 3    Answer activity 3.

         Final Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: first cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Paula Melo, London, BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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