Spirits’ Influence / Mediumship

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         The spiritist teacher should bring a memory game with the following concepts to this class:

            Special Mediums - Equipped with special psychic abilities that haven’t been defined yet.

            Sematology – Spirits’ communication by the movement of inert bodies.

            Seeing medium – a incarnate spirit who sees disincarnate spirits.

            Typtology - Language obtained by raps and tiltings.

            Mediumship - Faculty of mediums.

            Pneumatography - writing produced directly by a spirit, without any intermediary.

            Psychophony - The communication of spirits by the voice of a speaking medium.

            Erraticity - The state of errant or wandering spirits; that is to say, of such as are not incarnate; the state of a spirit during the intervals between two successive corporeal existences.

            Psychography - the transmission of a spirit's thought by the writing of the medium's hand.

            Medium - Intermediate between the communication of incarnate and disincarnate spirits.

            Perispirit – It’s the semi-material envelope of the Spirit.

            Natural Mediums – Mediums who ignore their mediumship faculties.

            Hearing Mediums - Mediums who hear the voice of spirits.

            Obsession - The empire exercised by certain spirits over certain men; it’s always the work of inferior spirits.

            Pneumatophony - Voice of the Spirits, without the help of the medium.

         Firsto: explain the rules of the game - each adolescent will choose to turn two cards randomly. The adolescent will then have to think whether the cards match. If the cards don’t pair up, he/she will turn the cards down again, even if he/she answered correctly. It will then be his/her neighbour’s turn. Get them to make comments about each concept every time a pair of cards is found.

         Note: the cards will be shuffled before the game begins.

         Second: as soon as the game and the discussions end, the spiritist teacher should ask the young people to be split into four groups. Ask them to consult The Mediums’ Book; research subjects that were less known by the group: semiotic, typtology, pneumatography and pneumatophony. Get each group to choose one topic to research and discuss it on the next class.

         Each group made their notes and prepared to talk about their subject. This activity was deferred to the next meeting. View class Spirits’ Influence / Mediumship II.

         Closing prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Carina Streda, Daian Dornelles and Roberson Assis.

         Suggested Class suitable for: Youth I (13 to 14 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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