Greetings and Opening Prayer
As proposed in the previous meeting, each one of the four groups should have read, made notes and talked about one of the following topics: semiotic, typtology, pneumatography and pneumatophony. Get each of the groups to share their findings with the rest of the group.
The spiritist teachers comment on each topic, explaining the processes in more detail. Show the difference between typtology and semiotic, explaining the process where the medium gives ectoplasm (a kind of nervous energy - a substance that emanate from the body of the medium during trance) to the spirit. In the case of pneumatophony, the spirit can shape a speech organ to produce sounds that can be heard by any incarnated being who has perfect hearing conditions.
Closing prayer
Spiritist Teachers: Carina Streda, Daian Dornelles and Roberson Assis.
Suggested Class suitable for: Youth I (13 to 14 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.