Smell and Taste

         Opening Prayer

         First - the children should close their eyes and nose. Please sprinkle perfume near by, ask them to open their eyes and smell the air. When the children open their eyes ask them what they smell. Talk about how our noses help us smell things. Ask them to talk about what it smells like; encourage the use of descriptive words.

         Second: please distribute to each child a small piece of salty cracker for them to try it; soon later give them a piece of a sweet biscuit. Please ask them if they tasted the difference between one and another. Please mention that we taste things with our tongue.

         Third: Please recall the children that our physical body is perfect; each part of our body has a specific use. Please ask them to show you which part of our body enables us to: see, listen, feel things, smell and taste. The children could point it out these parts of their physical bodies or do this task in pairs. Remind the children that their physical bodies enable them to do all these actions.

         Fourth: please draw the shape of a boy and a girl into a big brown paper. Please ask the children to complete the drawing all together.

         Closing Prayer - thanking God for our physical body.

         Spiritist Teacher: Ângela and Camila

         Class being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old)

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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