Gospel in the Home II

         First: Opening prayer - The Spiritist Volunteer will ask one child to read one topic of the “The Lord’s Prayer”.

         After will introduce a box of prayer and ask for one child to volunteer himself/herself to read the prayer for the class. Please ask the child to say his/her words as well, as to complement the opening prayer.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Play hot potato game with the children. When the music stops the child who is holding the hot potato ball will be asked to answer what they say while praying to God or Jesus.

         Third: Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Fourth: Slide show - please find Gospel in the home attached.

         Fifth: Story time – Please tell the children the story called Gospel at Home.

         Sixth: Activity - The Volunteer will bring pieces of paper and objects in order to show and teach the steps of how to do the gospel at home. The kids can also act pretending to be at home doing the gospel in the home.

         The Volunteer will bring, in small pieces of paper, parts of the gospel to be read at this time.

Designate a place, time and day of the week to have the Study of the Gospel at Home. The recommended time for such meetings is around 20/30 minutes.
Prepare a glass of water for each member of the family.

We should also invite our family to study and exchange ideas together.

We start the ‘Gospel at Home’ practice with a heartfelt prayer such as The Lord’s Prayer or another simple and spontaneous one. After that, read a passage from The Gospel according to Spiritism which was chosen previously or opened randomly.

After this passage is read, discuss it and explore the different points of view. Try to understand the teachings by applying it specifically to your own live. Let’s aim to avoid discussions or accusations amongst our family relatives.

The next step is the “Vibrations". This is the time when we send good thoughts to others. We can send good vibrations to our relatives, to our friends, to ill people and others we think need good thoughts. We can also send good vibrations so that people don’t find, don’t mistreat children and animals. We can also send good vibrations for people to have a job and good health. We then ask the water to be magnetized. We finish our ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice with a short spontaneous prayer.

Share and Drink the fluidized water.

         Seventh: Life theatre - The kids will act using the same objects used in the story (the 5 steps) in order to show how we do the Gospel in the Home. The volunteer can ask the following questions:

         Why it’s important to do the gospel at home?
         The practice of the Gospel at home creates the beneficial of evangelical study within the home itself.

         What’s the benefit for our family when we do the gospel at home?
         The main benefit for our family is to awake and strength the feelings of fellowship in the family and also among our whole friends. It’s also a spiritual time which benefits enormously the ones who take part of it, enabling an environment of peace and tranquillity for the family.

         Where should we do the gospel at home?
         Anywhere in our house.

         How often should we do the gospel at home?
         Once a week, at least.

         Should we pray for our family and friends?
         We should help each other said Jesus; therefore during our Gospel at home we can send good thoughts to others. We can send good vibrations to our relatives, to our friends, to ill people and others we think need good thoughts.

         How long should it take?
         The recommended time for such meetings is around 20/30 minutes.

         What book should we read during the Gospel at home?
         We start the ‘Gospel at Home’ practice with a heartfelt prayer such as The Lord’s Prayer or another simple and spontaneous one. After that, read a passage from The Gospel according to Spiritism which was chosen previously or opened randomly.

         Should we talk about the lessons?
         Yes, we should explore the different points of view of each one of us in our family. We also should try to understand the teachings by applying it specifically to your own live and in our family; the present of God for all of us. Let’s aim to avoid discussions or accusations amongst our family relatives.

         Eighth: Give each child a copy of the following pictures attached to this email and get them to cut/paste it in a separate sheet of paper in the correct order. The order should be the sequence of the Gospel in the Home.

         See activity attached.

         Ninth: Healing Time - Prepare the kids for the healing time. Put one chair at the centre of the room and ask one child of each time to seat on the chair and show how he/she should behave when they go for healing.

         Tenth: Preparation for closing prayer - Kids should choose a passage from the: Gospel According to the Spiritism for the kids, The Spirits Book for kids or the Heaven or Hell. The volunteer will encourage the others kids to volunteer themselves for reading and give a quickly comment about it.

         Eleventh: Closing prayer - One of the children will do a closing prayer; encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate.

         Extra activity: Kids will prepare their house for the Gospel at Home

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.


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