Hearing and Touch

         Opening Prayer - please get the children in circle, holding hands for the opening prayer.

         First: at the end of the prayer, still holding hands, ask if they feel their colleagues’ hands. Ask them to hold it stronger, but not hurting anyone. Explain that when we feel something, using our hands, we use a sense called touch. We can feel and perceive things with this sense.

         Second: give each child a match box covered by wrapping paper. We would advise the spiritist teacher to prepare this previously in a way that every two boxes will be making the same sound: you can place rice, beans, bottle cover, etc and then glue it so it doesn’t open in the middle of the activity. Please ask the children if what they received is big or small; what color it has.

         Third: ask them to move the boxes to make sound with it. Please ask the children to hear the noise and find the person whose match box makes the same sound as their own. The spiritist teacher can help the children with this activity. As soon as each child finds the right pair, please ask them how they listened to the sound made by their boxes. They used their ears, the sense of hearing.

         Fourth: play music with the sound of animals and water. Ask the children to identify the sounds.          Close this class with a pleasant song or with the recording of a prayer done by a child.

         Closing Prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Ângela and Camila.

         Suggested Material suitable for: Kindergarten (3 to 4 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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