Formation of Living Beings I

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         First: Get chairs aligned forming a corridor. Within this corridor, there should be four circles of different colours: one black and the others successively lighter. The adolescents should be asked about the meaning of the circles and if there’s something missing.

         Second: explain that the circles are the different categories of inhabited worlds: primitive worlds (destined to receive the initial incarnations of the human soul); worlds of tests and atonements (where evil predominates); regenerating worlds (where souls who still have to atone may absorb new strength by resting from the fatigue of fighting; blessed worlds, where goodness outweighs evil); celestial or divine worlds (inhabited by purified Spirits, where only goodness exists).

         Comment that the celestial or divine worlds don’t need a circle, since it is dematerialized. Write down the names of the worlds with chalk on the floor.

         Third: The spiritist teacher will need four hats for this activity. Four volunteers will move from world to world wearing a different hat - each symbolizing the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom and hominal kingdom. They should move from one realm to another.

         The other adolescents (since there isn’t enough room for everyone in the circle) must remain: crouching (representing the minerals), sitting (representing the vegetables), standing (representing the animals) and finally, climbing on top of the chairs (representing the human beings), observing the evolution process.

         Fourth: Comment on Jesus and his helpers’ activity in preparing the orb to receive life as well as the evolution of species. Mention the long road we have passed through since the mineral kingdom; the importance of the relationship between evolution, free will and inner reform.

          [Suggested text to be distributed to the youth]

         Closing Prayer

         Additional texts:
         The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec (questions 43 to 49); ’The Genesis According to Spiritism’ by Allan Kardec Chapter X (items 24, 25 and 27); On the pathway to Light by Chico Xavier/Emmanuel (book: A Caminho da Luz) Chapter II.

         Spiritist Teachers: Letícia, Ricardo and Débora.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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