Flowers and Fruit

         Opening Prayer

         First: Tell the children the story called The fruit. Here are suggested drawings to illustrate the story.









         Obs.: .: the story can also be told in the form of theatre play, using real fruit with little faces drawn into them. The phrases in bold / italics can be said by the fruit itself or the spiritist teacher.

         Second: talk to the children.

          Ask if they know how fruit are born. Fruit comes from seeds that are planted, giving rise to a tree or a plant that grows. They have many leaves; at the right time, fruit are born.

          How are flowers born?
          The flowers have scent and fruit have specific smells. The spiritist teacher can take a flower (rose, for example) so that children feel the scent and can also create opportunities for the children to smell different fruits.

          The fruits provide food to humans and animals; flowers beautify the world.

          Flowers and fruits were created by God and are an important part of nature.

         Third: distribute different designs of fruit (see above) to be painted. In the end glue all of them in a cardboard collar, forming a beautiful basket with various fruits.

         Fourth: serve lime juice and fruit salad to the children.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Material suitable for: Maternal (3 to 4 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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