Flowers and Fruits II

         Opening prayer

         First: : tell the story called The flower called Maggy. Drawings could be used to illustrate the narration.

         Second: questions about the story:

          Who created the flowers

          And the fruits were created by whom?

          What are flowers used for?

          What is the use of fruit?

          Who enjoy smelling flowers? (The spiritist teacher could take a pot of flowers for children to feel the perfume).

          What are the fruits that children like best?

         Third - activities: here are some suggestions.

         Activity 1: distribute flower designs (several models) in small pieces of paper for children to paint them. Once they finish, paste the pictures on Popsicle sticks and "plant" them in a pot with soil to form a garden. The spiritist teacher could also take cut designs or request that the children cut the flowers out, depending on the children’s development.

         Activity 2: distribute the drawings of the story for children to paint. Once they finish, put them into the right order, forming a mural that illustrates the story.

         Activity 3: bring magazine clippings of flowers and fruits. Ask children to identify whether it is flower or fruit. Those who know the name of the flowers and fruits can say them out loud.

         Activity 4: bring to class the design of a large tree, pre-coloured, pasted on cardboard. Distribute drawings of flowers and fruit (already cut previously, if necessary) to be painted and glued on the tree. Please also bring a drawing of a squirrel (to make reference to the story). It is important that each child glue the picture he/she painted on the tree, highlighting the importance of their participation in the completion of the task.

         Activity 5: to form, with the children, an album of the nature with magazine clippings, drawings created and/or painted by them, which may be included in upcoming lessons.

         Closing prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: Maternal (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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