What is family and how it lives

         First: Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist volunteer. As weeks go by the Spiritist volunteers should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Third: Introduction of the topic - Family

         Explain to them that God our father and Creator, so love and just, offers to all of us a very special group of people who would help us in our evolution in this incarnation.

         Who are they? Yes, they are our family, our parents.

         But, family is not restricting to only our parents who gave us the physical body. They reveal themselves by sympathy and communion of ideas; that is, by affection, common interests and the love they express to each other

         Now, ask to each child to introduce their family. The Spiritist worker can start: My family is very small I have got 1 sister she calls Carolina, my mum Maria and my dad Alejandro.

         At the end of each presentation the child will be asked how many people his/her family is composed by. So they will receive this respective number to be attached on them. After, the Spiritist worker will emphasise how glad and happy we can be as being part of our family.

         Fourth: Watch the power point slides (find it attached here).

         During the power point slides show the Spiritist worker will explain how family is important and how it lives.

         * Family can be small or big (can remember the numbers attached on them).

         * How our parents has been happy since I was born.

         * How much they love us and show it to us;

         * They feed us when we are babies with all their love.

         * How worried they can be about our education, behaviour, happiness…

         * They teach, advice, show, guide us only because of their love;

         * How we can fell protected, secured, safe with them;

         * How many sacrifices they have to do for us;

         * How we can return it to them? Showing how much we love them with our touch, kisses, hug, and with words.

         * How nice is when we play together!

         * And in relation to ours others brothers and sisters we can show and tell them about our love and feelings.

         * I can take care of my little brother and/or sister

         * I can learn how to share my toys and a piece of a good cake because when we share things it’s become much more interesting!

         How grateful is the opportunity to have my family!

         Fifth: Draw my family - In a piece of paper the children would be asked now to draw their lovely family.

         Sixth: The Spiritist worker would either bring many different pictures or use the children’s drawings to suggest and explain the different types of family. The main point is to explain that family is a group of people who get together to progress and learn. It is not important the number of members, but the love and respect that exists amongst its members.

         Father, mother and children;

         Father, mother and children, different races;

         Parents with adopted children;

         Mother and children;

         Father and children;

         Couple (with no children; parents have already disincarnate);

         Grandparents with grandchildren;

         Families with big and small children;

         Families with many or few children;

         Children only (fatherless/motherless; or parents have already disincarnate).

         Seventh: Puppet theatre and video:

         Introduce Lisa’s family:

         Lisa is a very clever, nice and happy girl; she is 4 years old and only child. One day, their parents called her for a conversation and explained her they were having many problems that they couldn’t work out on them anymore. So, they decided to live in different houses for now on.

         Even they said they would still love, playing and doing their favourite things as a usual, Lisa didn’t understand and cried a lot, at the beginning.

         Lisa saw that sometimes things can happen and make changes in her life, but she understood after woods that the most important thing is not the proper change, but the love given by their parents which make her much happier.

         Now, she can see he hadn’t lost any of them, they still being her lovely dad and mum!

         Introduce Andrew’s family:

         Andrew is a very happy guy! He has got a lovely young sister, his mum and dad. He has got such a nice family!

         Andrew is a very good boy also; he loves his school, all his colleagues and her teacher who explain him many new things!

         Since he was young his parents used to tell him about the little squirrel’s story: a little squirrel whose parents didn't have enough nuts to give him, but were able to find another mother and father who could do it for him.

         Andrew understood since that he grew inside his birth mother and after came to live with his new family who make him so happy!

         Eighth: Chat with Lisa and Andrew

         The Spiritist worker will use the puppets to have a conversation with the children about both stories. Encourage the kids to make up questions to Lisa and Andrew.

         Would anyone like to ask any question to Lisa or Andrew?

         Lisa would like to say something to you guys: “Hi everyone, as you know my name is Lisa and I am very happy to be here sharing my history with all of you.

         If some of you have the same problem as I had, listen: don’t worry! After you will see it’s also nice when you have 2 houses to play!

         Hi guys, I am Andrew. I was adopted when I was very little boy and it’s noting uncommon or unusual.

         My mum explained me that it can happen in the animal environment as well. Have you already noticed it?

         Would you like to see the video that we’ve brought for you guys?

         Animals Who Adopt Other Animals & My parents got divorced



         The Spiritist worker can also ask as the video is playing:

         Who are these animals?

         What family is it?

         - Ask if the children can identify each member of the family within the pictures: mom, dad and cubs.

         Who are mom, dad and cubs?

         How lovely family they are!

         Ninth: Activity - Do my own family fingers (find it attached here).

         During the activity please play the song: “My family fingers” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjFcrv6Lfx8

         Tenth: Kids will receive an origami paper house with the subtitle: “My family”. They will be free to draw, paste, colouring their family. Please find this activity here, which was taken from the internet.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.


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