Family – divine gift
Greetings and Opening Prayer
First: explain that God created human beings, animals and plants. Hence, there are different family types of human beings, animals and plants. People who are from the same family usually live in the same house, but it could be that they live in separate houses. This could be the case when parents split up/get divorced or children grow up and decide to live on their own, away from their parents; or with their husbands, wives and/or children.
Parents or Carers are part of our family, as well as our grandparents. The number of members in our family could also increase with the birth of new children into the family (brother/s and/or sister/s) or when someone else comes and lives with us, such as an aunt or cousin.
* The spiritist teacher could take to this class building block that enables the children to build several animals and/or puppets so they can form groups of families with these materials. This will enable them to see the different types of family groups that exist in the world: human beings, plants and animals. The spiritist teacher could also use this resource to show the children the different types of families that can be formed in the world.
Everyone learn from living together as a group, despite the differences. Each member of the family plays an important role. Every member should encourage other members to respect and unite themselves, and love God. This can be achieved through loving attitudes, education and good feelings towards one another. Our home is the place where we learn many important things that will be useful to us through all our lives, as well as on future reincarnations.
Second: tell the children the story called Laisha’s life story.
Third - activity: ask the children to color Laisha.
Click here to find a copy of the drawing suggested.
Closing Prayer
Suggested Class suitable for: maternal (3 to 4 years old)
Spiritist Teachers: Amália, Carina and Mara.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.