Family – divine gift (what is it and how it lives)

         Objectives: identify the different types of families created by God and establish the differences between them.

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         First: present different animal family types to the children. This could be done through drawings, pictures or PowerPoint slides.

         Please ask them:

         - Who are these animals? Please wait for the children’s answers as they see the pictures. Explain that the pictures represent different animal family types.

         - What family is it?

         - Encourage the children to identify each member of the family within the pictures: mom, dad and cubs.

         - Where are mom, dad and cubs?

         - Please also present the human family, as well, through pictures and explain more about it. The spiritist teacher could also give the example of how his/her family is and encourage the children to do the same.

         Second: tell the children the story called Paula’s curiosity. Highlight that we are all brothers, children of God. Our present parents were chosen by us, before we reincarnate. Please also highlight that families go through moments of joy as well as sadness. Our parents have to call our attention sometimes for things we have done wrong, but they do it because they love us very much and wish us well, just as God does.

         Third - activities: suggestions.

         1 – Affix in a panel or board pictures of several types of animal houses and ask the children to identify which animal belong to each one (this activity should be done as a group; not individually).

         2 – Distribute drawings of places where animals live and ask the children which animal belongs to each environment. The spiritist teacher can then ask them to color these drawings.

         3 – Distribute the activity called Match the cubs so the children can match the cubs to their families.

         4 – Suggested activity.

         5 – Suggested activity.

         6 – Suggested activity.

         7 – Suggested activity.

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla, Carina and Janaína.

         Suggested Class suitable for: maternal (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

         Closing Prayer


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