Spiritual Evolution III

         Opening Prayer

         First: please remind the children the work done on the previous class. Please check if they have done their homework: to write down a phrase about what you can do to make the world a better place today and in the future. Please ask each child to say their phrase out loud and pay attention to what each one of them have to say.

         Obs.: this class was designed to follow on from the class Material and Spiritual Evolution. We would suggest the spiritist teacher brings the material created on the previous class to serve as a base for this one.

         Second: please give one balloon in the shape of a heart to each child. Please tell them the importance of valuing our hearts. This balloon represents our heart; we must learn to respect the hearts of one another.

         The children should write their names on their heart and then fill it up with air. As the music starts to play they should all throw their balloons into the air. Please ask them to maintain all of them in the air, as we need to treat each others’ hearts with care. As soon as the music stops, the children will need to catch one of the balloons and give it back to its owner. This activity teaches the respect to one anothers’s hearts.

         If one of the balloons bursts, you can explain to the children this represents what happens when we hurt someone; even if we don’t intend to. We should respect one another and give each other the freedom to be the way we are.

         You could use spiritist songs for this activity, such as:

Jesus is passing by
Jesus is passing by
Jesus is passing by
And when he does everything is fine
Sadness is gone; happiness arrives

Jesus is passing by
Jesus is passing by
And when he does everything shines
Bringing joy to you and for me too

Good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
I am so happy today! Hooray!
Good morning, good morning, good morning
My heart wants to say

Good morning, good morning, good morning
Let’s all sing and play
For nature is so beautiful and wise
Teaches us to love every day

         Third: please explain that Jesus wants us to treat one another with care, respect, love and affection. How can we do this with our colleague/spiritual brother? Please establish a dialog around this topic and the activity we just completed.

         Fourth: please establish a correlation between the previous class and our spiritual progress. How can we develop spiritually? Please show them a copy of the comic strip called Degrees of Spiritual Evolution.

Source: CEEAK

         Fifth: please ask the children to complete the following activities which are related to the theme SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.

         Sixth: please distribute one A4 sheet paper to each child and give them the following instructions (Here are the supplies you need: A 4 sheets, scissors, pen or marker):

         1. Fold the paper into the middle crease

         2. cut the paper into two halfs

         3. get one of the pieces of paper and fold it into the middle

         4. please repeat the same procedure three times with the same piece of paper

         5. now ask them to draw half of a man's body into the paper and cut it following the contour

         6. now open the paper and be surprised with the end result!

         Please explain to them we are all children from the same Father; therefore, we should respect each others’ hearts.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old) and 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old), depending on their maturity and/or conditions.

         Spiritist teacher: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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