Gospel at Home III

           Open Prayer

          First: explain to the children the practice of the Gospel at home.

           Open Prayer. Begin with a short spontaneous prayer. Remember that sentiment and sincerity are essentials.

           Read a passage from The Gospel According To Spiritism, by Allan Kardec (older children) or a children story with a good moral purpose (younger children). When there are young children participating, it is important to adapt the Gospel at Home and use stories which are adequate to Jesus’ Gospel so the children can understand the messages discussed.

          Books Suggested: A Primer on Being Good (Memei), The Gospel According to Spiritism for Young Adults and Beginners (Laura Bergallo - Spiritist Alliance For Books) The Lord’s Prayer (Memei), Jesus In The Home (Néio Lúcio), O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo para a Infância (Maria Helena Fernandes Leite - Edições FEESP – not yet translated), Grãos de Mostarda Collection (Um projeto do Grupo de Estudos Espíritas “Os Mensageiros” – not yet translated), Conte Mais Collection (Federação Espírita do Rio Grande do Sul – not yet translated).

           Comment the text or the story.

           The next step is the “Vibrations". This is the time when we send good thoughts to others who are in need. Our prayers should include thoughts for our planet, for the varying countries, for hospitals, for particular areas of need that week, any person in need of special help at the moment, world peace, fraternity amongst all men, etc.

           We then ask the water to be magnetized. It is useful to place a jug of water on the table during the study and then distributed this water amongst the participants after the closing prayer. Magnetized or fluidified water is used for it's strong capabilities of energy capture and transmission. Through the processes of spiritual or semi-spiritual magnetism, water that has been designated for such use is magnetized, whereby it is impregnated with healthy, restorative fluids that benefit those who drink it. This water can also be drunk during the week.

           Final Prayer. We finish our ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice with a short spontaneous prayer.

          Obs.: it’s important to choose a day and time during the week when as many members of the family as possible can be present. This day and time is then kept RIGOROUSLY every week, so assuring constant spiritual assistance (the good spirits are very busy just like us and respect the schedules established). The spiritist teacher can add any complementary information if necessary.

          Second - learning opportunity: We are going to use the ‘Musical box’ technique. The spiritist teacher should play a spiritist song which is known by the children. The children should be sitting in a circle and a box should be given to them. As soon as the music starts, the children will start handing the box over to the child sitting next to them. When the music stops, whoever is holding the box will have to open it and get one of the questions that were placed inside the box before the activity started. This technique is also known as Hot Potato (game). If the child gives the correct answer, he/she will get a candy as an incentive. If the child can’t read, please ask he/she to hand the question over to the spiritist teacher so it can be read. Comments can be added as the answers are given, if needed.

          Click here to find suggested questions for this learning opportunity.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years of age).

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla and Cleusa.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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