Spirit - existence and survival VII

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         First: Tell the children there are things that we can see, touch and feel. What are they? Wait for the children’s responses.

         Click here to find material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida – USA that can be used for this lesson.

         Second: Show the children the slides or take pictures found from newspapers/magazines, spread them on the table so the children can select one each, every time a specific topic is asked to them. Tell them there are things that we can see, some of them we can feel but we can’t grab them. What are they? Wait for the children’s responses and see which pictures they grab from the ones that are displayed on the table.

         Some examples are:

         * Water

         * Light

         * Smoke

         * Clouds

         * Fire…

         Third: Tell the children there are things that we can hear, but we can’t grab them or see them. What are they? Wait for the children’s responses and see which pictures they grab from the ones that are displayed on the table.

         Some examples are:

         * Music

         * Thunder

         * Voices

         * Noises

         Fourth: Tell the children there are things that we can feel, but we can’t grab them or see them, although we know they exist. What are they? Wait for the children’s responses and see which pictures they grab from the ones that are displayed on the table.

         Some examples are:

         * Air

         * Wind

         * Gases

         * Electricity…

         Fifth (activity): Hand a deflated balloon to each child and ask them to fill it with air. What's inside the balloon? Air! We can compare the air with our spirit and the balloon with our physical body.

         Sixth: Ask them to answer the following questions:

         Who is talking to you right now?

         What am I?

         What are you?

         We are human beings with this type of body...

         We can talk… we can touch…we can feel… we can see… we can hear… we can move… we are learning how our entire body system works...

         Seventh: Ask them to answer the following question:

         Where has our intelligence and talents come from????

         A) Our brain

         B) Our heart

         C) Our spirit

         Right answer: C. Our spirit.

         Eighth: Reinforce with the example of the balloon that our body is like clothing to our spirit. As spirits, we are eternal. This means even when our body dies our spirit survives forever.

         Nineth: Ask them - How can we take care of our spirit? And why it is so important? We can take care of our spirit by practicing good attitudes in our day to day, as Jesus taught us. As we are eternal spirits, we will be taking care of our spirit by practicing the eternal virtues that Jesus taught us: kindness, forgiveness, prayer for thanking our Creator for life, etc... Ask them what the eternal virtues that they can practice are in day-to-day life.

         Prece de encerramento

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies, based on lesson plan Spirit – existence and survival VI.


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