Spirit - existence and survival III
(We are spirits, we have a physical body)

         Opening Prayer

         First: ask the children who has birthday in January, February, March, etc. The spiritist teacher should pass through every month of the year to find out when every child has their birthday. Explain that the day of birth is a very important day for everyone because it is the day when our physical body was ready to be born.

         Second: take pictures of people of different ages to this class: older adults, adolescents, children even an infant. Ask the children what the size of our body was at birth, was it like this? Show them the figures starting with the elderly, decreasing age until reaching the picture of the baby. Go asking in every new figure: how old is this person? What do you think she/he likes to do? How did he/she look like at birth? They looked like a baby. And before they were babies in Mommy's tummy? Display an ultrasound testing picture with a child that is already formed and after another one at the start of a pregnancy (a scan in early pregnancy usually performed in the first trimester; around 12 weeks.).

         Third: question what we were before we were in Mommy's tummy. Who created us? Explain that each one is a Spirit, created by God. We gained a physical body to be reborn on Earth. As we can not see air, we can not see our spirit. We can only see our physical body. Ask the children to touch their own body: nose, ears, hands and then feet. It is important that the children understand every person is a Spirit and that while on earth, has a physical body.

         Fourth: explain that each spirit has many qualities. Qualities are good things we have learned and put into practice: be friendly, fraternal, loving, loyal, able to forgive, patient, peaceful, harmonious, loving your neighbour, respecting people... This is the time in which children should participate by suggesting good things that the Spirit has.

         Fifth (activity): Ask the children to connect the dots, uniting the body to the Spirit, writing down the qualities of the Spirit.

Click here to view the model

Suggested text:

The Spirit

         Each person is a Spirit, created by God with love and affection, to evolve.

         We have a physical body while we're on Earth.

         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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