Protector Spirits

         Opening Prayer: Dear friends Jesus, please enlighten today’s class so we can learn together about our protector spirit. He is the one who is by our side everyday, even when we are asleep. He helps, protects and tries to lead us to the practice of goodness. We need to learn to feel our protector spirit by our side so he can help us. We can ask through our prayers for him to help and guide us.

         First: please tell the children the story Protector Spirits.

         Second: please tell the children that Jesus wants to look after all of us. He wants us all to feel protected. Since He is such a great friend, He gave us the opportunity to have one invisible friend each, who will help, protect and encourage us at all times.

         This friend is a spirit who is always at our side; everyday. We call him protector spirit or guardian angel. We can get closer to him by praying and practicing good.

         Third: please ask the children to remain silent. They can close their eyes if they want to; perhaps trying to hear their own hear beat. When the children are quiet, the spiritist teacher should highlight once more the importance of the protector spirit for our lives.

         Our protector spirit is our friend. He wants us to be happy; he does everything for our own good. He is kind, happy and friendly. We can always ask guidance by engaging with him on honest and open conversation through prayer. If we pray with devotion, he will help us. He is a friend that God, with his Infinite kindness, allowed us to have by our side. He helps us to follow a good spiritual path.

         Fourth: Please take cardboard picture frame to class. Please make sure you bring one for each child. This frame is easy to make: Cut out two pieces of cardboard (each should be the cut to the dimensions of the drawings displayed below – see more here

         Click here to see the cultured history.

         Protector Spirits



         Protector Spirits and boy

         Protector Spiritst and girl

         Obs.: if any child doesn’t want to take the picture frame home with them, please do not insist. We need to respect the child, and highlight that our protector spirit is our friend and wants to help us all the time.

         Closing Prayer: please do not forget your protector spirit is always at your side. Every time you feel lonely or afraid you can pray and ask for his help at this tough time. He can protect you. When you are feeling happy, don’t forget to pray to God and thank him for these good moments. If know how to ask and how to thank, we will certainly be happier.

         Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old)

         Spiritist Teachers: Amália, Carina and Mara.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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