Physical Differences

         Opening Prayer:
         In the previous class please ask the children to bring pictures of different people to this class; they can take it from magazines, newspapers, etc.

         First: please give the children the opportunity to cut other pictures from other magazines brought by you to this class.

         Second: please attach all the pictures gathered from the children into the board or into a poster. Please ask them to tell you what they see.

         Third: please explain the physical differences between people: some are tall, some are short, fat, skinny; there are different hair colours, eye colours, skin, etc. Please ask them now what all these pictures have in common (please wait to see what they come up with): they are all sons of God; He loves us equally.


         Fourth: please ask them why people are most of the time called by a descriptive name/nickname. It can often be a form of ridicule. Please explain that most of the times nicknames make a person feel sad. No one likes to be called "Fatso" (for a person who is overweight), big-nosed, ugly or "Four-eyes"(for a person with glasses). You can make an agreement with the children that none of them will call one another by nicknames; they need to respect and like each one of them the way they are.

         Fifth: please ask each child to draw a person. Please glue them all into a poster and write the phrase: God loves us all equally.

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         Closing Prayer

         Observation: It is quite common for the children to ask about people with mental or physical disabilities. Please explain to them these are very courageous people who are learning a very special lesson from this experience. God loves them equally; He loves all his children.

         Collaboration: Teacher Pricila

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.