God, the primary cause

         Opening Prayer

         First: please start this class by showing how big the Universe is. The spiritist teacher could bring a picture of the Milky Way, for example. Please mention that The Milky Way, or simply the Galaxy, is the galaxy in which the Solar System is located. It is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. It is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. Please mention it takes the Solar System about 225–250 million years to complete one orbit of the galaxy. As there are billions of galaxies in the Universe, there are also billions of suns which also have billions of planets.

         Second: please ask several questions to the children, in relation to the topic studied. Please make note of the answers at the board.

         Here are some suggested questions:

         * God is our Father. Why do we say He is our Father? It is because He was the one who created us. Please remember we are spirits who were created by God. We are reincarnated in the physical body to progress morally. We receive a physical body through our physical parents.

         * Things that were created by God: the sun, nature, human beings, animals…

         * Please show the children once more the picture of the Milky Way. Please ask them who created all of this. Could it have been created by a human being? Why?

         * How do they know if God exists? Has any of you seen God?

         Third: Please distribute to the children cups with coffee with milk (some with and without sugar). Please ask: Is it tasty? Is it bitter? How do you know which one contains sugar on it? Can you see the sugar contained in the coffee?

         We can’t see the sugar contained in the coffee, but it’s there and gives taste to the coffee. This is how we could see God in our lives: we can’t see Him, but He is around us. We can feel God through His creation.

         Fourth: please split the groups into pairs. Please give each pair a copy of The Spirits' Book. You can take this opportunity to note the differences between the different editions of The Spirits' Book. Please ask them how many questions are in The Spirits' Book. Please show that in the original version (Le Livre des Esprits in original French) the question 1011 does not exist. If it appears in any translation, it means the translator didn’t respect the original French version. The reason why Allan Kardec jumped from question 1010 to 1012 is unknown. Please make them aware this was written by ink and feather, since there were no computers at the time.

         The Spirits' Book was codified by Allan Kardec. It was the first and remains the most important spiritist book, because it addresses in first hand all questions developed subsequently by Allan Kardec.

         Please ask the children to find the first question. The spiritist teacher can explain how to find it through the index; CHAPTER I – GOD. This question is What is God? Please ask them to copy the question and the answer into the notebook. Please ask them to write their understanding of this question – it could be a phrase, a verse, a prayer…

         Fifth: after you read the answers from the children, please explain that every effect has one cause. Please ask them if they think the Universe was formed by chance. God is the Creator of the Universe; the Supreme Intelligence-First Cause of all things. Please make them realize Allan Kardec asked the spirits what is God; not who is God. You can highlight if the question was who is God; he would be referring to a person.

         Sixth: please distribute the following text to the children and make comments with them in regards to these statements.


         God is the Supreme Intelligence and Primary Cause of everything.

         Human beings can’t see God, but can understand and feel His presence in every aspect of our existence, in everything that is happening around us.

         God is:

         * Eternal – there is no beginning and there will be no end to God;

         Obs.: Please remember we are immortal spirits; our spirit never dies. We did have a beginning; we were created by God. The material beings constitute the visible or corporeal world, and the immaterial beings constitute the invisible or spiritual world, that is to say, the spirit-world, or world of spirits.

         * Immutable – God doesn’t change;

         * Immaterial – it doesn’t have a physical body; material body;

         * Unique – there is only One God;

         * All-powerful – God can do everything; He has the supreme power over Creation;

         * Sovereignly just and good – His laws are wise and just; they rule the Universe.

         Seventh: please ask the children to draw and bring as homework the work of God they like the most.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old); depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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