Jesus’ Cures II

           Opening Prayer

          First: a) The pen technique - please start this class by spreading confetti over the table. Have a student run the top of the plastic pen through his/her hair a few times to give the pen an electric charge. Have one of the students bring it near the confetti, and ask the class to record the reactions. They will soon realise the confetti will bind into the pen (this should be a plastic one, in order to transmit energy).

          b) Doll technique - please bring to this class a doll made of paper with a hole in the middle, line and wool.
          Please pass the line over through the hole. You can now fasten the two extremes of the line but make sure the thread is stretched out. Have a student run the top of the plastic pen through his/her hair a few times to give the pen an electric charge. You could also do the same procedure using a small piece of wool Have one of the students bring it near the doll. This will make the doll move (with the action of energy).

Click here to find the doll suggested for this activity

          Second: please ask if they know why the confetti glued to the pen and made the doll move. Please explain that we all have energies that come from our thoughts, feelings and attitudes; these energies can be positive or negative. Please ask the children to come up with examples of thoughts and feelings; plus its consequences.
          EXAMPLES: being friendly, forgiving and praying – highlight the strength of the energy emitted by a prayer that comes from our hearts. The spiritist teacher should at this time ask the children to grab each other hands or hug each other; please explain that kindness is a form of energy.

          Third: please tell them the story of some of Jesus’ cures. Please explain that Jesus used energy to heal.

          Examples: (please bring pictures to this class, if possible)

          The Woman Who Had a Spirit of Infirmity

          The paralytic healed at the pool of Bethsaida

          The woman who was cured of the issue of blood

          The cure of the leper

          The blind from Jericho

          Jairus’ daughter

          Fourth: please explain to them that Jesus knows the energy that comes from people; He only emits good fluids; He helped a lot of people. People thought he would perform miracles. Miracles or supernatural things would go against the laws of God, according to the people at that time. Jesus did not perform miracles. He made all these happen by manipulating energy. He did that through his thoughts and will, since He is a Superior spirit and has much more knowledge than all of us. He used good fluids to heal a lot of people, re-establishing the balance of fluids; these people had faith and merit; they were open to receive help. They wanted to get better and work on their attitudes, feelings and thoughts of love.
          This is the reason why Jesus would say: "If you have faith" or "Your faith saved you". Jesus healed just by looking at the person. He did it by distance; through words or laying hands.

          Fifth: activity

          1 - Please distribute the following phrase for the children to glue it into their notebooks:

          2 - Please now distribute, in small pieces of colourful paper, the "positive energies" below mentioned:

          3 - Please ask each child to draw him/herself under the positive energy which has been glued to their notebooks.

           Notes for the spiritist teacher:
          These techniques should be tested at home before hand;
          This subject can be deepened in accordance with the cycle/children’s age group;
          The spiritist teacher should explain the meaning of several terms, such as: leprosy (a chronic endemic infectious disease, also called Hansen’s disease) and Bethsaida (a place mentioned in the New Testament).
          This activity should enable the children to realise they have a lot of positive energy within themselves and can transmit them to others.

Click here to get to know some of the drawings made by the children.

          Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies


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