Christianity and Spiritism – The Three Revelations

         Initial Prayer

         First: please place a big sheet of paper on the board and split it into three equal parts. Please write or draw, on the first part, a scale, on the second one a heart and on the third one a book.

         Second: please ask the children what they know about Moses, Jesus and Spiritism. Please write their comments under each correspondent part of the sheet of paper. The scale means the first revelation, represented by MOSES, and the idea of JUSTICE; the heart means the second revelation, represented by JESUS, and the idea of LOVE. The third revelation is SPIRITISM, THE PROMISED CONSOLER; you could ask the children to write the words The Spirits' Book onto the book drawn at the third part.

         We suggest writing the following under each picture:

MOSES: Ten Commandments, Promised Land, Justice, mention some of the Ten Commandments, freedom of people.

JESUS: love, peace, forgiveness, charity, equality, cures, parables, Sermon of Mount, Joseph and Mary, Bethlehem.

SPIRITISM: Kardec, teachings from the spirits and The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism.

         Please write the title of the class into the panel: The Three Revelations.

         Activity 1: [Click to find a suggestion]

         Activity 2: picture to be colored, with the three revelations studied and its meaning.

         [Click here to find a suggestion].

         Another idea would be to create a book marker in paperboard. You can ask them to draw a scale (justice), a heart (love) and The Spirits' Book (promised consoler) into it, representing the topics discussed at this class.

         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies


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