Initial Prayer
Please draw a picture of a grandpa holding a suitcase in a colorful and large paper. Please place it at the panel. Please find here below a template that could be used.
[Please find here a picture of a grandpa holding a suitcase]
please start the study introducing grandpa John (he is a retired lawyer). We do not know his age, but we know he is quite old.
as you can see, this man is no longer a young guy. Grandpa John is spiritist. He studies at the spiritist centre and works as a volunteer in the centre’s library. He is now going to make a journey he always knew he would do one day. He is now thinking what he should take on his suitcase. Please ask the children what they think he should take with him. Please make notes of what the children say at the panel.
the Spiritist Teacher should explain to the children, after taking the notes, Grandpa John won’t be able to take anything material with him. He won’t be able to take things he can touch or see. Please ask the children once again what Grandpa John should take on his suitcase? Please make notes of what the children say at the panel, one more time.
please tell the children he will only be able to take the knowledge he acquired; not the books. He will take all good moments he lived; but won’t be able to take the position he had at work. He will not be considered a Dr. in the spiritual world, but just John. He won’t take the titles, money or belongings he had. He will take his good or bad attitudes and actions. He will also take in his memory his friends, love, charity, forgiveness, good thoughts and respect. He will take the love and kindness from his family, but no one from the family will come with him. All material belongings such as his house, clothes, toys will stay in Earth when he disincarnate.
please explain to the children everyone will die one day (disincarnate). We don’t know when it will happen, but when we die we will still live in the spiritual world. Our physical body will die, but our spirit will still live.
Grandpa John always wanted to learn and put into practice Jesus’ teachings. Even if he doesn’t know when the moment of disincarnating will happen, he will feel calm at this time. He will return to the Spiritual World feeling like he learned a lot. He knows he will be far from his family and friends, but he will see them again in the future.
Please explain what means:
Incarnate spirit: a spirit that is linked to a physical body and lives in the material world.
Disincarnate spirit: a spirit that is not linked to a physical body and lives in the spiritual world; only the spirit exists.
To Disincarnate: to die; to leave the physical body. Our spirit, on the other hand, never dies; it keeps living in the Spiritual world.
To Reincarnate: to be reborn in a new physical body (spirit plus physical body); a baby will be born.
please distribute small pieces of paper to each children. Please ask them to write down good things Grandpa John can take in his suitcase. Later you can ask them children to glue them into Grandpa John’s suitcase.
each child should decide what she/he will take in her/his suitcase from this incarnation. Please ask each of them to write it down. You can distribute the picture of a suitcase so they can write in it. FROM THIS (INCARNATION) I WILL TAKE... Please see picture here below
[Please find here a drawing we suggest to be used with this activity]
Final Prayer
Class suggested being suitable for:
1st cycle (7 to 8 years old)
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.