Physical Body – divine gift VI


         Opening prayer

         First: Softly blindfold the eyes of all children or ask them to close their eyes. Make noise with a bell, play a song with sounds of birds and water. Ask them to remain with their eyes closed: what sound do you hear? Make each child to smell soap and an apple. Give each child a pinch of salt and then sugar to taste. What smells were those? Have you identified the smell of apple and soap? Is it good or not? Which tastes did you feel? Were they good or not? Make sure each child realizes that she/he identified the sounds, tastes and objects through their senses.

         Second: Bring a big gift box adorned. Make sure you place a mirror inside of the box and leave it in the corner. Play a calming song. Ask the children, one at a time, to go to the box, open it and look at what's inside. Ask them to sit in their seats and not say what they saw. The Spiritist volunteer should seek to maintain a climate of harmony in the room.

         Third: Ask the children what enables us to see the things around us, feel the tastes and smells, change from one place to another in the classroom, and listen to music, talk, study and play. Ask: what did they see in the box? Talk about their answers. What is the gift that God gives us each of us, in each incarnation, to evolve? It’s the physical body.

         God gave us the gift of a material body. Explain that we are Spirits, but we got a physical body as an instrument of progress, while on Earth.

         Fourth: Give the children the text called The physical body – a gift from God for them to glue it on their notebooks. Get them to read the text and comment on it.

         Fifth: activity. Click here to find a suggested activity. The Spiritist volunteer should read the questions, upon completion of this activity. This will enable the children to understand it well; it’s not necessary for them to respond to the questions.

         Sixth: establish a dialogue with the children about the questions below.

         - Did you know that Jesus helped a lot our planet with his physical body, while on earth? Do you know how?

         He healed with his hands, hugged, spoke words of affection, told stories (parables), performed sermons (sermons/lectures), listened to those who were in distress, he looked at all the beings of creation with love and respect, ran great walking distances by food taking his Gospel to many people.

         - How can children cooperate using their physical body so that our planet is happier?

         Doing the same things that Jesus did. We can’t heal with our little hands as Jesus healed, but we can transmit good energy through them and do all the other good things that Jesus did with his physical body: speaking, listening, embracing, etc. We can also read good books, exercise, study, pray, care for the nature, help at home, at school and in the Spiritist centre. We can also share what we learned in the Spiritist classes to other children and invite them to participate.

         Seventh: make a poster with phrases and drawings of things that kids can do to assist in the evolution of our planet. Distribute coloured strips of paper for the children to write down their sentences.

         Suggested phrase to be written on the poster: Did you know that Jesus helped a lot our planet with his physical body, while on earth? Children can also help by using their physical bodies, here are some suggestions:

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class being suitable for: 1st (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycles (9 and 10 years old).

         Spiritist volunteers: Camila, Emanuelle and Juliana – Spiritist Centre Caminho da Prece.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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