Body - divine gift IV

         Opening Prayer

         First: please remind the children that their physical body is a gift from God which allows us to learn and progress spiritually. We need to look after our physical body to be healthy, though.

         Second: please give each child a copy of the test Body and Heath, give them a few minutes to answer it. Please ask the children to pay attention to each item and answer it with honesty.

         Third: please make comments on each item from this test. Please ask them why is it important and if they follow the statement or not. After the spiritist teacher comments each one of them, please ask the children to add the respective points below mentioned to each attitude.

         Not true: 1 point
         Sometimes I think it’s true: 2 points
         True: 5 points

         Fourth: You can then ask them to sum up all points at the end of this task. If they can’t sum up, please do it on their behalf. You will now ask the children to share their final result with one another. It is important for the child, even with a low mark, to feel motivated to look after his physical body. Please mention the above sentences according to the marks that each child got:

         Above 60 points: Excellent! You are looking after your body very well. Please keep an eye on the activities you must be doing since with dedication and responsibility you might be able to accomplish them.

         Between 41 to 60 points: You are on the right path! Please continue making efforts to look after your body, as it is an instrument for the progress of your spirit during this existence.

         Between 21 and 40 points: You already know the physical body is a gift from God and you are looking after it but you could make improvements. Please make some changes as soon as you can. You can count on the elucidations you are receiving here at spiritist education classes.

         Below 20 points: You need to change your behaviour! Please pay more attention to your body. Today’s class is very important for you to understand the importance of looking after your physical body as it needs caring to help you within your spiritual evolution. Please analyse this exercise sheet again when you get back home and see how you can improve on it.

         Fifth: please ask the children to draw their physical body and write down three ways to look after it.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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