Body - divine gift III

         Opening Prayer

         First: talk to the children that we are going to address a very important issue. Most of the people find it very common and take it for granted; not realizing its importance, because they never stop to think about it. We are going to listen to a story, in order to understand it better.

         Second: tell The story of Zen, by Cleusa Lupatini, Spiritist Group Seara do Mestre.

         Click here to find a presentation of ‘The story of Zen’.

         Obs.: The spiritist teacher could present Zen to the children by using a clipping of the human body (child or doll) in a transparent material (spirit) to illustrate the story. The spiritist teacher can then speak of this divine gift throughout the story, presenting them with human body parts made of EVA material, to assemble the body.

         Third: question the children:

          What was the present that Zen won?

          What was Zen before winning this present?

          Who gave the gift to Zen and for what purpose?

          Did we win the same gift from God?

          What did God say to Zen about this present (body)?

          What allows us to move, write, speak, see, hear, and smell?

         Fourth: remember we all have a body, which is a building that houses our spirit. He has been given to us by God. Each one has the body he/she needs for its development; that is, this is the instrument that we need to accomplish our mission on earth. It is important to be careful with our body. We must preserve it with care, and thank God for the body He gave us.

         Fifth - activity: Distribute a sheet of paper with the design of the physical body parts for the children to colour, cut and assemble Zen.

         Click here to see the suggested drawing.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla and Cleusa.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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