Getting familiar with the differences – Respect for all fellow creatures

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         First: distribute a cup with colourful chocolate confetti to each child. Please ask them to observe if the confetti are similar or different. Please hear their opinions. Ask them to eat 2 or 3 pieces of confetti. Ask them if the pieces left in the cup are similar or different from each other. Please hear their opinions.

         Second - question:

          Are people equal to one another? There are individuals who are tall, short, fat, thin, blond, brunette, etc.

          People are different physically and also have different qualities. Each person develops virtues, which are moral qualities, by going through reincarnations. These virtues become part of our spiritual inheritance once acquired. For example, some people have already learned to forgive, are honest, don’t lie whereas others haven’t learned that yet.

          Some people enjoy eating ice cream whereas others don’t. Some individuals like broccoli; others don’t eat meat. Each of us has our own qualities and tastes; just as we are different physically.

          Each person is unique and should be respected by everyone. We should treat every person with love and respect, no matter the colour of the skin, hair, taste, special needs, religion, or being similar or different to us.

          We are all Spirits and were created equal by God, even if we have our differences. We learn new things and improve spiritually through our several reincarnations; that is, progress.

          We progress until we reach a state of relative perfection, just as Jesus did. We will all be perfect Spirits one day, even if we are different– we have different tastes and are in different evolutionary stages.

         Third: Remind them we should also respect people who have different points of view from ours. Please also mention we can always learn something from someone who thinks differently from us; who enjoys different things as well. Please ask: What would happen to the red colour, if everyone just liked the blue colour?

         Fourth - activity: create several dolls holding hands together through paper folding. Each child should personalise their artwork. Remind them that the hands holding together represent that we can build a better world with our personal differences.

         Click here to find a sample of this folding.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Spiritist Teachers: Ângela, Kátia and Fernanda.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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