Conditions for prayer

         Opening prayer

         Obs: Start by explaining that there is a guest at this class and that he offered to do the opening prayer.

         First: present the guest to the children; this guest is a puppet. Say his name and explain that he will participate in the class. Once someone does the opening prayer, the puppet friend will then get out of balance, start talking to the children during prayer, pushing them, talking fast and disrespecting the colleagues, holding and playing with the educational supplies, as well as making jokes during the prayer (as children sometimes do).

         Second: ask after prayer:

          Did the puppet friend pray in the right way? (this question could first be asked to the puppet; he could begin saying that he found the prayer weird and different...).

          How should a prayer be done? It should be sincere, calm, coming from the heart. We should not be moving materials around, be pushing, or even making jokes. This will disperse our attention.

         Note: the spiritist teacher should invite the children to do a new prayer, now in the right way.

         Ask the puppet friend what he thought of the new prayer. The puppet friend could ask questions to the children such as when to pray, if it’s necessary to join hands together, be on our knees and any other question the spiritist teacher might find interesting that is about the theme of the lesson. Try to get the children to participate by answering to the puppet and adding any comments when necessary.

         Third: questions and comments about prayer.

          Do they usually pray before bedtime?

          It is important to pray so that we can find our protector-spirit during sleep, and have a good night's sleep (further explanation could be given depending on the age and maturity of the children).

          Important to pray before bed time to reflect on the day about the things we did; if we made any wrong or right decisions.

          If you made a mistake or hurt someone, try to correct and forgive yourself, not to miss another opportunity. If possible, ask for forgiveness.

         Fourth - activity: Distribute a small cardboard heart for the children to write what they can thank for during a prayer. A drawing can also be done, depending on the time available in class.

         Closing Prayer: could be made by the puppet friend, who by this time learned to pray in the right way. His prayer should be made from the heart, calmly and thanking for everything he’s learned in class.

         Suggested Class suitable for: first cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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