Communicability of the Spirits

         Greetings and Open Prayer

         First: talking to the children, noting that:

          We are incarnate Spirits; united to matter through our perispirit;

          We can communicate with our brothers who have already disincarnate; that is, that have already left the matter through the death of the physical body;

          Mediumship communications have always existed; they were not invented by Spiritism;

          It was in Jesus' time that communications with the spirits became more intense;

          Christ promised a Consoling Doctrine. Allan Kardec codified (organized), the teachings dictated by higher spirits, regulating the communications between incarnate and disincarnate.

         Second: bring to class one or more copies of "The Mediums’ Book" and show it the children. Wait a few minutes for them to handle the book/s. Ask if they know the work. Since this point explain that:

          "The Mediums’ Book” is one of the basic works of the Spiritist Codification. Through the missionary work of Allan Kardec, the spirits established a fundamental guide for the mediumship practice in it;

          It is imperative to study "The Mediums’ Book” if we wish to practice mediumship with an educational and comforting purpose for us and for the disincarnate spirits, according to the precepts of the Gospel and the Spiritist Teachings;

          Try to communicate with the disincarnate spiritists without doctrinal guidance and evangelical direction, just for fun or curiosity, is a way to open up for unpleasant surprises.

         Third - activity: give a white sheet of paper for each child and ask them to write one question they wanted to ask the Spirits. Once finished, place the questions in the box and ask each one to take a paper (randomly) from the box and try to answer the question.

         Use this time to reinforce that we are all spirits, and that at this time we are incarnate. The fact that spirits are disincarnate does not mean they know more than they knew when they were among us. Therefore, their answers may be correct or not.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: second cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Adriana Cardoso - Grupo Espírita Amigos de Chico (Santo Ângelo/RS).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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