Chico Xavier

"Although no one can go back and have a new beginning, anyone can start today to make a new ending." (Chico Xavier)

         Opening prayer

         First: tell the story of Chico Xavier, emphasizing events (facts) that reveal his mission and his immense kindness.

         Here is a suggested script:

            Start telling them his name (Francisco Cândido Xavier), who were his parents (João Cândido Xavier and Maria João de Deus) and that he had eight brothers and sisters.

            Talk about his mother's death when Chico was only five years old as well as the fact he got separated from his brothers.

            Briefly address the mistreatment Chico suffered for two years; done by his godmother Rita de Cássia.

            His mom’s appearance in spirit and meeting with Cidália Batista (stepmother who welcomed back all João Cândido Xavier’s nine children).

         This first part, which refers to Chico’s childhood, is portrayed in the book Beautiful Cases of Chico Xavier (Lindos Casos de Chico Xavier), Ramiro Gama, Publisher LAKE.

            Talk about Chico’s love and kindness for people and animals.

            Tell them that Chico could see spirits since his early age and chatted with them.

            Chico worked since he was a child. He was later approved in the Public Examination to work for the Ministry of Agriculture, as a clerk (he earned very little.

            As a teenager, Emmanuel, the spirit who would be his mentor in this reincarnation, appeared to him (show them a figure of Emmanuel, if possible). They had many conversations. Emmanuel was always by his side helping and guiding him when difficulties and obstacles arose on his way, which could damage the fulfilment of his mission.

            Emmanuel had a serious talk with Chico when he was nearly 20 years old:

         - Chico, do you really want to be a medium?
         Chico said yes. The mentor then said that three things were needed:
         "The first is discipline”.
         “All right”, said Chico. “And the second”?
         - “Discipline”.
         - “And the third?” – Chico asked.
         - “Discipline. Do you agree with these conditions?”
         Chico accepted those conditions.
         - “So let’s work” – the mentor continued. “Let's write 30 books”.
         Chico jumped. Where would he get money to buy paper, ink? Who would publish them?
         The first book was “Parnaso de Além-Túmulo” (Poetry from Beyond the Grave). Explain to children that this name means a collection of poems.

            Chico psychographed the first lot of 30 books; throughout his life, he psychographed a total of 412 books; all authored by disincarnate spirits. Chico always said he didn’t write any books; they were all written by the spirits. He sold millions of books and never received any money for himself. He donated all the money received from the psychographed books to Charities, to assist the poor.

            Chico also received thousands of messages through automatic writing. They were messages from disincarnate spirits who wrote to tell they were fine. He would often see the spirit that sent the message and describe him/her: hair colour, eye colour, clothes worn, etc. Relatives and friends of the disincarnate spirit would often confirm that was right. Chico also described places, situations that only the disincarnate spirit and the relative knew or had experienced. He would also say how that person died. He also signed many messages with similar signature to the spirit while in the physical body. Relatives and friends of the disincarnate spirits felt moved once they confirmed that was his/her child, friend, mother or father, as described Chico. The disincarnate spirits sent positive messages, asking them not to cry because of them since they were still alive, just living in the Spirit World. Many of them also asked for the people who were missing them to transform that energy into good work (charity).

            Chico was one of the greatest mediums who ever lived. He received messages in languages he didn’t speak such as English and French. He once received a message in English backwards. The reading of this message was only possible in front of a mirror (if possible, show them a photo of this psychography).

            Chico helped everyone with words of optimism and love. He held uncountable charitable work projects, helping people.

            He received many honours, gave interviews, but always remained a simple and good-humoured person. In 1981, he ran for the Nobel Peace Prize (which received more than 2 million signatures of support, but didn’t win).

         In February 2000, he was elected to the Man of Century in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

            Chico was always an example of love and kindness. He fulfilled his mission on earth. Can you imagine the reception for Chico when he came to the Spirit World? It must have been a very happy occasion.

            There are many stories to tell, to illustrate the mission, kindness and love of Chico Xavier.

         It is up to the spiritist teacher to choose the stories (depending on to the time available). There are beautiful stories at: Lições de Sabedoria (Lessons of Wisdom - Marlene Nobre), Lindos Casos de Chico Xavier (Beautiful Cases of Chico Xavier – Ramiro Gama), As vidas de Chico Xavier (The lives of Chico Xavier – Marcel Souto Maior) and many others.

         Second - activity:

         1 - Assemble a puzzle with the image of Chico Xavier when he was young.

         Click here to see a suggested drawing for the puzzle created by Nicolas, child from the third cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         2 - The children can draw something inspired by the lesson or write the part of the story that most caught their attention.

         3 - Make a memory game with pictures of Chico Xavier, Meimei, André Luiz and Emannuel. Several suggestions can be found at the internet.

         Click here to view a PowerPoint presentation on Chico Xavier.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: second cycle (9 to 10 years old) and third cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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