Chico Xavier II

         Opening Prayer

         First: prepare a poster with the title LOVE AND KINDNESS for this lesson. Ask what the children understand by love and kindness; make a note of what they say into the poster.

         Second: give them a brief summary of Chico Xavier’s life; conclude that he is an example of LOVE AND KINDNESS for us.

         - On 2nd April, Chico Xavier's Centenary was celebrated.

         - He was born in 1910 and disincarnated when he was 92 years old.

         - As a child, he suffered a lot with the disincarnation of his mother; he had to live with his godmother who was obsessed and beat him up three times a day with a rod.

         - However, Chico had the support of his disincarnate mother who never left and always communicated with him, encouraging Chico to be humble and always behave well and be very patient.

         - His mother assured him that he would soon be looked after by a good angel that would reunite the family again. When his father remarried, his stepmother brought the whole family together again.

         - Chico had little formal education. He began working by the age of 8. He was still young when he was approved in a public examination, where he worked until his retirement.

         - His family sought help from spiritists when one of his sisters became ill. His mother asked him to study the works of Allan Kardec.

         - Chico has always maintained himself with his humble salary. He never took advantage of his gifts to get personal advantages.

         - Chico Xavier has published 412 books in several languages through his mediumship, donating his royalties to FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) and other charities. He also received messages of comfort addressed to families from disincarnate spirits, through mediumship communications.

         - Chico Xavier was a complete medium, both from a moral and mediumship standpoint. He always helped everyone. He is to us an example of Love and Kindness.

          Source: e

         Bring some photos of Chico Xavier to this class and ask the children to select a few to add to the poster.

         Third activity: word-search

         Click here to view the answer

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: first cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Adriana Cardoso – Spiritist Group Amigos de Chico (Santo Ângelo/RS).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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