Charity III

         Opening prayer

         First: Tell the children the story called Charity, love in action.

         The Spiritist worker could bring a foliage or tree branches and, as the story is being told, put the bags of food on the tree.

         Click here to find a picture.

         Obs.: Part of this story was based on real facts.

         Second: talk about the story.

          Did Lady Mary help others with other intentions, perhaps only thinking about herself? No.

          Is it important to practice goodness unselfishly? Yes, we should help others without wanting to get something in return.

          Did Lady Mary choose who she would help? No. Based on the story it could be seen that Lady Mary was a kind woman, anxious to help people, even if she didn’t know them.

          Who is our neighbour? The one who is closest to us; in need of help at the moment. Today, with the development of communication, such as telephone and internet, we are able to help and be helped by people who live miles away from us physically. How? Through an encouraging message, a book recommendation, a kind word, etc.

          Why should we do good? It’s by doing good that we will be experiencing the teachings that Jesus brought to us from God, our Father and Creator. We develop our virtues (good things we have in us, since our creation) through the practice of good. Doing good is the decision right to be taken in any situation. It’s what will bring us the joy of true happiness. The good we do unselfishly always returns to us.

          What is charity? Charity is love in action.

          Love in action = attitudes of goodness.

          Ask for examples of how to be charitable.

          Can anyone practice charity (helping others)? Yes, it can be practiced by all: charity may be material or not. It can be performed by rich or poor. It does not depend on age, health, religion or place.

          Material: Donations of non-perishable or perishable food, clothing, money, medication, etc.

          Mental: prayers, vibrations, sincere forgiveness of somebody else’s offences and one’s own mistakes, loving and caring feelings a person wishes to one another.

          Verbal: using words to express love, to console one another; soft speaking; no shouting.

          Passive: silencing before an offence, receptive listening when somebody has an outburst.

          Non-verbal: our attitudes; our manners by hugging, smiling, making eye contact, shaking hands.

          Mediumship: by taking part in mediumship sessions, listening up and helping out the discarnate.

          In what time, when and where can we practice charity? Whenever the opportunity is presented.

          Who is the first one that benefits from the goodness practiced? The person who practices charity. The one who turns on a light is the first to illuminate.

         Third: suggested activities.

         1 - You can find here at this link Activities - Charity, several suggested ideas.

         2 - Drawing for colouring. Click here to find some suggestions.

         3 - Make a big size tree in card stock paper, together with the children. Each child should receive a small box that will represent the milk cartons from the story. They should paint and write the name of the food on it and later on hang it in the poster. Write a sentence about charity on it; for example: CHARITY IS LOVE IN ACTION.

         4 - Each child should draw their own tree with the meals/food.

         Note: We ask if it would be possible for a Spiritist teacher who does the activity nr. 3 to send us a picture to include on the website.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class being suitable for: 1st (7 and 8 years old) and 2nd cycles (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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