Good Spiritists

         Opening Prayer

         First: lplease take to each child a margarine or yogurt pot. You could also take a plastic recipient which could be used as a vase. Please bring soil and flower seeds to this class. You can now invite them to cultivate a "special flower".
         Please ask the children after each one cultivates their flower:
         What does this flower needs to germinate?
         Please wait for the children’s responses (water, soil, air, kindness, amongst other peculiarities that are specific for each plant).

          Click here to find our garden

         Second: please present them with a panel where there is a tree drawn in it. Please ask them what the similarities between this tree and our lives are: birth, growth, fruitage, habitat… Please remind them we are incarnate spirits. Talk to them about "THE GOOD SPIRITISTS" (The Gospel According to Spiritism Chapter 17. - BE PERFECT, item 4). We are all imperfect spirits, but it is important to make efforts to get it right, to progress with positive attitudes. Please present to them the concept of a good spiritist:

"The true Spiritist can be recognized by their moral transformation and by the efforts they employ in order to overcome their bad instincts".
The Gospel According to Spiritism

         Third: a tree should always give good fruit. How can we, immortal spirits, give good fruits? Please distribute to the children drawing of different types of fruit (see hyperlink). Please ask them to write down the attitudes which enable us to be good spiritists inside the drawings. The child should read their suggestions to one another and glue them into the panel. This could be used to decorate the classroom or the spiritist centre.

          Click here to find the fruits

          Click here to find the tree

         Closing Prayer

         Collaboration: Teachers Beatriz and Genessi.

         Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

          Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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