The Body – Divine Gift – Body's Hygiene

         First (5:45pm – 5:55pm): Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist worker. As weeks go by the Spiritist worker should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second: (5:55pm – 6:15pm) Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Good morning

         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         I am so happy today. Hooray!
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         My heart wants to say
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)

         Let's all sing and play
         For Nature is so beautiful and wise
         Teaches us to love every day

         +++ repeat this song if necessary, as every child should hear their name being sang; this will help the children to feel integrated into the group)

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Third: Start a conversation about our body and how important it is for us. Remind them what we have been learning till now:

         - the meaning of Divine Gift, present of God for all of us (The Spiritist worker will bring the big child body confectioned during the class about Functions of the Body);

         - parts of the body (identify them and sing the song: head, shoulders, knees and toes – see below );

         - movements (quickly mimic giving example of good actions to be taken with our body)

         - the 5 senses (what they are)

         Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
         Knees and toes.

         Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
         Knees and toes.

         And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
         And nose.

         Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
         Knees and toes.

         After this first moment of revision, the Spiritist worker will introduce the idea the physical body as our home, the house for our Spirit and the importance to be careful with our body. Show them a doll and compare it with our physical body through some questions:

         Can the doll move alone? Why?

         And can we move alone? Why?

         Are we similar to this doll?

         How come we can move and this doll can’t?

         We can move because our body has life, there is a soul that commands it. The body is our home, the house of the Spirit. And for that reason, it is very important to us to preserve our body with care, and thank God for the present He gave us.

         Fourth - Activity: Learn how to prevent and take care of our body through our daily lives.

         Put the children into a circle, bring objects and instruments that we use every day and put them in the middle of the circle.

         Each child will take one, answer the name of the object, why and how to use it.

         Example: dishcloth, brush teeth and toothpaste, comb, bottle of water, shampoo, hand wash, body wipes, shoes, scarf, cap, gloves, small brush, bottle of empty spray and cloth, books, plastic tableware (plate, knife and fork), ball (exercise our body),..

         Fifth: Tell the history The box of chocolates.

         Sixth: Talk about the history

         Why was Delbert sad?

         What did Delbert eat?

         What did happen to him afterwaroods?

         What did his mother teach him?

         Seventh - Activity:

         Now that we learnt with Delbert to do not abuse of our body (like eating, playing, washing too much– ask children more examples as well), because it can cause pain/hurts on us, we are going to create our own “Daily hygiene book”.

         The spiritist worker will prepare a very simple book (only few white pages and cover) where the children will paste pictures showing them good manners with our body. (bath, brushing teeth, exercises, sleep, eating, wearing). See the picture here.

         Ask the children to continue working on this book as their homework: painting, colouring, finalize the “Daily hygiene book” cover.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.


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