Good manners II

         Opening Prayer

         First: please distribute four pictures to the children in sequence; one at a time. Please ask them to watch it carefully and say what they understand from each scene.

         You could also come up with a small story for each image, which can be told to the children.

         Click here to see them four suggested images; there is a short explanation for each of them as well.

         Second: please talk to the children about the topics below described.

         - Were the attitudes followed by these children correct?

         - What are the magic words?

         - Please explain to them the magic words can be used at all times and everywhere; at home, with friends, colleagues, in the streets, etc.

         - The magic words are really magic, as they make our life easier and happier. Smiles can appear, doors can open, and new friends can be made when you say “Please, “Thank you”, “Sorry” and “Excuse me”.

         Third: please ask the children to paint the figures and soon later assemble them together to create a little book to be called: GOOD MANNERS.

         Closing Prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla, Cleusa and Potira

         Class being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old)

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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