Good manners - kindness IV

         Opening Prayer

         First: please tell the children the story called Magic Words. If the spiritist teacher finds relevant, he/she could ask as the story progresses what the character could have expressed in different occasions, engaging the children into the tale.

         Second: please draw, before coming to this class, a big garden full of colourful flowers into a paperboard. Please avoid using chalk-pencil as it makes it difficult to write over it (this will be done on the next activity).

         Please ask the children to suggest situations where each magic word should be used; please complement it with the situations underneath displayed if necessary. As you establish a dialogue with the children, please glue new flowers into the paperboard for each magic word used. The magic word, which is related to the situation suggested by each child, should be written in the middle of the related flower or in the petals, for example.

          Thank you – when someone gives us something, when we are offered something to drink or eat, when we return something someone lent us.

          Please – every time you ask someone for something (for example, a glass of water, a rubber, a book, etc);

          Excuse me – whenever you enter a room or a house, or when we interrupt a conversation (for an important reason);

          Sorry – when we drop something – food, ice cream, glass of water, when we hurt someone with our words or actions; when we bump into someone, even if it wasn’t our fault.

         Third: please explain that just as the flowers in the garden offer us a pleasant perfume, magic words are also pleasant to our ears.

         Fourth - activity 1: please distribute to each child one recipient (it could be a milk bottle cut in half, for example) with sand or sawdust (this is where the flowers will be cultivated) and different models flowers. They will need to colour them and glue each one to a stick. Please explain that each time they use one of the magic words during the week they should plant a flower into the pot. They will learn to use the magic words; plus organize a beautiful garden.

          Click here to find suggested drawings sent to us by Cristina Chaves, from the spiritist centre Casa do Caminho, Porto Alegre - RS, site

         Activity 2: Magic Words Raffle.

         * Distribute one raffle ticket to each child.

         Click here to find the raffle tickets.

         * Raffle the questions.

         Click here to find the questions.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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