Good manners

         Opening Prayer:

         First: please ask the children if they know any magic word. Please explain that there are some words which, when spoken, demonstrate good education and respect; this is the reason why they are considered "magic". Please ask the children if they know any of these magic words.

         Second: please explain that the magic words are:

   Excuse me             Sorry              Please              Thank you


         Third: please use puppets to role play situations in which the magic words need to be used. Please ask them to repeat the word used at the end of each situation role played.

Situations which can be role played:
* in the street; if someone bumps into you, you say sorry, even if it wasn’t your fault;
* every time you ask someone for something (for example, a glass of water, a rubber, a book, etc) you should say please; say “Thank You” when you are given something;
*Be nice to people.
* Say “You’re Welcome” when someone thanks you.
* Greet people when you see them.
* Look people in the eyes when you talk to them.
* Talk politely during meals (even in the cafeteria).
* Don’t interrupt when other people are talking.
* Share with others.
* Help people.
* Let guests go first.
* Be on time, especially if you are meeting someone.
* Whenever you enter a room or a house, you should say excuse me.

         Fourth: please ask each child if they are using the magic words; you can ask them the following, for example: "Do you say please when you ask your mother to help you at lunch time?" If a child says yes, please give him/her a medal for using the words learned (you can create them from light cardboard; draw a circle and write inside "Medal Magic Words”; fasten it to a piece of wool or line to hang it into their necks).

         Fifth: please ask the children to glue the following text into their notebooks.

Suggested text:

Magic Words

         There are some words which can be used with everyone: in the street, at school, at home, everywhere. They are called magic words because they mean we are educated and respect the people we have a close relationship with.

The magic words are:
Excuse Me
Thank you

         Closing Prayer

         Observation: please ask the children to rehearse (with puppets or in small groups) the situations in which the magic words should be used. These situations could also be suggested to them by raffling them; you could write small notes and place them inside a bag to raffle between the children.

Collaboration from: Teacher Pricila

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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