Material and spiritual belongings

         Opening Prayer

         First: please ask the children to imagine they are in a big store where it is possible to buy everything they wish for. All they need to do is to write it down in a piece of paper (please distribute it to them before this activity starts). Please allow them two minutes to conclude this task.

         Second: please tell the children the story "Mother, can you please give me a mobile?"
         For children from 1st cycle we normally do a role play where one teacher pretends to be the mother and another one is the daughter. We made previously a list of things children want to have (you can ask their suggestions of toys, clothes, shoes, games, computer internet and mobile phones that are frequently asked by the children their age, since their interests will vary according to their age and trend in place). You could also get their mothers’ opinion.

         Third: please talk to the children about the story, using the following questions:
         - Does TV encourage consumption? Why is that? (Yes, because it gives us the wrong idea we need things that are not so important or necessary for our lives.)
         - Do we wish for things only because other people have them? (Branded clothes, mobile phone, games, trainers, back packs and other things)
         - Are material belongings important? Why is that? (We need money to live; to maintain ourselves materially.)
         - Why some people have a lot of money whereas others have none? (We can reincarnate rich or poor to learn and progress; depending on our need in this existence.)
         - Does God like more those who have more money? (No; God loves every one equally. People should be valued by their virtues; not by what they possess materially.)
         - Is it necessary to have a lot of money to help someone? (No. We can give our love, attention, respect, good energy, prayers and other things.)

         Fourth: please ask them to review the list they wrote down. They will need to cut it down just as the girl from the story did, following the criteria described underneath (please ask them to cross out the items in the order below described. They should just go to the next item once they finished crossing the first one and so on. This will allow them to visualise the final objective of this exercise).
         1 - Cross out everything that they think their parent can’t afford to buy;
         2 - Cross out everything that don’t have any real use;
         3 - Cross out everything they want just because their friends have;
         4 - Cross out everything they want just because they are cool or fashioned;

         Fifth: pplease ask the children to glue the list to their notebook and later write the following question:

         The answer should be SPIRITUAL BELONGINGS, that is, the qualities we develop, the good actions we put into practice, the knowledge we acquire, the affection we have for our friends and family members.
         Please make them aware that material belongings are transitory but the spiritual ones remain. Please ask the children to write down the spiritual belongings they already have or would like to possess. They should place it under the previous list. Please remind them we never possess virtues in excess; we don’t need money to acquire them but good-will, determination and individual effort.

         Suggested spiritual belongings: forgiveness, patience, harmony, trust, study, kindness, gratitude, happiness, good humour, sensibility, education, loyalty, enthusiasm, tenderness, peace, sweetness, peace, gentleness, responsibility, faith, humbleness, simplicity, cooperation, prayer, labour, respect, calmness, courage, sincerity, justice, love, honesty...

         Sixth: These are optional activities, in case there is time available. The spiritist teacher could also give them as homework: either the word hunt game or the cross-word.

         Click here to find a suggested word hunt game.
         Activity’s answer.

         Click here to find a suggested cross-word (it can be adapted; placing more letter as tips, in order to facilitate it for the children – it will depend on their age).

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

         Closing Prayer

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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