
         Opening Prayer

         First: please tell the children the story To be or not to be... distinct.

         Second: please start a dialog with the children.

          Is it important to like yourself the way you are? Why is that?

          Each one of us has the ideal physical body which is ideal for each existence. This enables us to learn the things that are necessary for our moral progress. If we make a correlation with the story, the lion needed to make new friends, the giraffe needed to learn not to gossip, the deer needed to learn to be more cheerful and to accept it the way it is.

          What is the most beautiful animal? Each animal has its own beauty and importance. Together these two attributes make nature, which is perfect and was created by God.

          What about us? Do we accept ourselves as we are? Or do we act just like the animals in the story? Don’t wait for answers from the children; please ask them to reflect on these questions.

          What are really important in our lives are the good attitudes we practice and the positive feelings we develop, such as love, respect and friendship. Plus, it’s important to make efforts to overcome the moral imperfections we have within ourselves such as (gossiping, lying, laziness).

          We should always compare ourselves with us only; with the way we were a long time ago. We should never compare ourselves with others, since every person has its own moral progress; its own journey.

         Third - activity: get the children to make a picture frame (Cut a 3x5 opening in the center a 5x7 piece of heavy cardboard. This will be your picture frame. You can also use a smaller cardboard with similar measures to form a base for the picture frame to stand up). Please ask each child to make a drawing of them and write positive feelings and attitudes he/she practices. This will enable them to value everything good they already have within themselves. The spiritist teacher can also ask them to write: I am special (or I am nice).

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies


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