
         Opening prayer

         First: distribute a blank sheet of paper to the children. Ask them to draw a vertical line dividing the sheet in half. They should write on the left side of the sheet:

         Tomorrow I will ... and ask them to complete the sentence, with their plans for the next day. The Spiritist teacher must mention that the plans should refer to things to do; not objects/material things to be acquired.

         They then must complete, with individual plans that contain positive attitudes and that will make them become better people:

         In a week’s time I will...

         In a month’s time I will...

         In a year’s time I will...

         Second: once they have listed their plans on the left side of the sheet, the children should start working on the right side of the sheet. It must state in this side the way in which they will accomplish what they want to achieve; what are the important preparatory attitudes that will make them get what they want.

         For example, today I would like to see this cool movie recommended by the teacher in class - so I have to go to the video store to reserve it, or ask someone to lend me the movie.

         Third: conclude that we have to organize and think first about how to make the things we want become reality; after all, making plans, dreaming, doesn’t make our dreams come true. In addition, our plans and dreams reveal a bit of our personality and values. Remember Jesus’ words: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6: 21).

         Fourth: ask them to turn the sheet around and write:

          Yesterday I...

         The sentence must refer to something they did/have done; either positive or negative. It must be something out of their routine. It can’t be written down that they have taken a bath, slept, ate lunch, because these are things we do every day and don’t involve feelings. An example of what could be written down would be: yesterday I fought with my mother.

         Get them to fill in the following sentences:

         A week ago I...

         A month ago I...

         A year ago I...

         As time passes the children (normally) begin to have trouble remembering what they did. The idea is to conclude collectively that as time passes we forget of what we did; the feeling that a specific attitude has created in us and in those who are around us.

         Fifth: explain that it is important to reflect on our attitudes in order to leverage our spiritual growth because "self-knowledge is the key to individual progress." But we should aim to carry our personal reflections as soon as possible, because we tend to forget what we think, what we said or did. We should question our attitudes; not on what others have done. The analysis must be sincere, because it is only with sincerity that we can analyse our day in a useful way. If we are in doubts whether our attitude was good or bad, we should consider how we would feel if the same attitude was held by others.

         St. Augustine teaches us how to do a daily reflection, before going to bed, about our attitudes. This can be found at question 919 from The Spirits’ Book. The Spiritist teacher can read small parts of this question or hand it in writing to the children so that they can stick it on the notebook.

         Sixth - activity: ask them to write in their notebook three attitudes/flaws they would like to change about themselves. In later time, ask them to write five qualities/positive attitudes they have already acquired. Emphasize that everyone has positive aspects that should be valued and aspects that need to be improved. But improvement only happens from the time we get to know ourselves; it also depends on our wish and will to change as well as our efforts made.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Claudia Schmidt.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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